Qingdao sees booming tourism during holiday

Tourists visit the Zhanqiao Pier, a famous scenic in Qingdao, Shandong province, on May 1.

During the just-concluded May Day holiday, Qingdao's holiday economy continued to heat up, with a set of vividly illustrating the vitality of the 's holiday market.

According to a May Day holiday released by Ctrip, flight bookings to Qingdao increased by 21 percent year-on-year. Data from the Tujia homestay platform indicated that Qingdao made the list of the 10 most popular destinations nationwide during the holiday.

Taking advantage of the May Day holiday, Qingdao's cultural and tourism industry has been actively promoting the integration of culture and tourism and developing new creative scenarios, formats, and models such as “maritime + culture and tourism” to create new engines for high-quality development.

On the first day of the May Day holiday, the Zhanqiao Pier, a famous scenic area in Qingdao, became highly popular on social media and a top streaming site. The completion and opening of the Zhanqiao Pier Terminal at Qingdao  and the launch of the new city-wide sea bus line have connected sea, land, and rail transportation, better meeting the demands of tourists for close-to-sea experiences. Along the coast, venues like the Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center, Xiaomaidao Park, and the Golden Beach Beer City all experienced peak holiday visitor flows.

During the Day holiday, Qingdao's holiday economy continues to heat up, with a set of data vividly illustrating the vitality of the city's holiday market. 

Data shows that among domestic tourists, Beijing, Shanghai, Jinan, , and are the main sources of visitors to Qingdao. Attractions such as the Qingdao Beer Museum, Qingdao Underwater World, Laoshan Scenic Area, the former German governor's mansion, and the Qingdao Polar Ocean World were popular destinations among both locals and tourists during the holiday.

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