Wudang Mountain Golden Summit

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Golden Summit of Wudang

The Golden Summit atop the main peak, Heavenly Pillar Peak, of Wudang Mountain, is the essence and symbol of Wudang Mountain. It also marks the peak of Wudang 's prosperity under the patronage of the imperial court (Ming Emperor Zhu Di).

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Before the Golden Hall, one can gaze into the distance and take in all the beautiful scenery of Wudang Mountain for hundreds of miles. The undulating peaks resemble ocean waves frozen in a moment of stillness, with their reverent bowing creating a mystical atmosphere that highlights the awe-inspiring power of divine authority and the supreme majesty of royal power. At the same time, one can experience many wondrous natural phenomena and hear countless myths and legends.

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It can be said that the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountain has a strong appeal to both tourists and pilgrims alike. With the development of the tourism industry, the number of visitors to the Golden Summit of Wudang Mountain increases year by year. on the Golden Summit, one is struck by an invisible force that leaves one breathless; a sense of reverence and devotion arises spontaneously.

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of the Golden Hall (Photography: Xu Zenglin)

During the summer thunderstorm each year, Wudang Mountain presents the spectacular sight of striking the Golden Hall. At the right time, the deafening sound of earth-shattering thunder resounds, as lightning slices through the sky like a sword, directly hitting the Golden Hall. In an instant, ten thousand rays of golden light shoot straight up into the clouds, the scene is breathtakingly awe-inspiring and marvelously magnificent. Despite 600 years of being struck by lightning, the Golden Hall remains resplendent and dazzlingly golden.

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The Golden Summit scenic area includes the Middle View, Yellow Dragon Cave, Palace of , ancient paths leading up to the First Gate of Heaven, Second Gate of Heaven, Third Gate of Heaven, and within the Taihe Palace, the Golden Hall, Imperial Scripture Hall, Purple Gold City, Hall of Worship, as well as the ancient Bronze Hall from the Yuan Dynasty among other ancient structures.

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A large number of statues, ritual objects, and religious implements made during various dynasties are preserved here. These are brilliant gems of ancient Chinese architecture and casting craftsmanship, historical testaments to the of the Chinese nation and the level of ancient technology, priceless treasures. (Compiled and reported by Li Fengsen)

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