The Achievements of the 60th Anniversary of the China Taoist Association: Temple Construction (Part One)

The China Taoist Association was founded in 1957, making it a full 60 years old now. Over these six decades, under the leadership and care of the Party and government, the China Taoist Association has made significant achievements in assisting the Party and government in implementing religious policies, handling ecclesiastical affairs, management, improving systems, cultivating talents, external exchanges, serving society, and other areas.

In order to summarize the work and accomplishments of the China Taoist Association over the past 60 years, the China Taoist Association and have collaborated to launch an exhibition titled “The 60th Anniversary Achievements of the China Taoist Association.” This series of pictorial displays will cover aspects such as leadership concern, organizational of the China Taoist Association and local Taoist associations, cultural and educational activities, welfare and charity, foreign exchanges, and temple construction.

White Temple

Mountain of the Eight Immortals Temple

Mountain Gate of Baopu Temple

Chengdu Qingyang Temple

Mountain Gate of Chongxu Ancient Temple

Wei Baoshan in Dali

Laozi Statue from the Song Dynasty at Mount Qingyuan, Quanzhou,

South Heavenly Zhaotian Temple on Golden Rooster Mountain

Jieguanting at Mount Ge

Mountain Gate of Chunyang Temple


Panorama of Huanglong Ancient Temple

Yu Chan at Yu Chan Palace

(Editor-in-Charge of Famous Taoist Mountains, Li Fengsen; some images provided by the China Taoist Association.)

Travel Guide

Taoyuan Cave, Wuyi Mountain

2024-7-24 7:50:24

Travel Guide

The Achievements of the 60th Anniversary Exhibition of the Chinese Taoist Association - Temple Construction (Part Three)

2024-7-28 4:26:11

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