Wudang Marvel: Misty Rain on Half the Mountain, Autumn Sun Intoxicates the Other Half

Leaving the longest holiday behind,

But Shiyan has yet to part with the drizzle,

that the long holiday was “without clear weather,”

But Wudang's has “clear skies.”

Today's Wudang Mountain

Invites you to an appointment of “Harmony between Heaven and Man!”

Riding the cable up to the Golden Peak, mists swirl around the mountainside. As the cable car ascends higher and higher, the fog completely blocks the view; this dense fog seems like a “deception” conjured by immortals: in the instant the cable car breaks through the clouds, it feels as if one has stepped from the “human ” into the “immortal realm”! The peaks tower above the surging waves, resembling boats gently swaying on the water, the reputation of the Celestial Realm beyond the clouds is well-deserved!

In the distance, the surge is like a tumultuous wave,

The celestial winds shake the ocean tide,

In the vast sea of clouds,

How is it like being in the mortal world?

The reason for Wudang Mountain's sea of clouds marvel

Is mainly due to today's cloud layer being approximately 800 meters high,

While the Wudang Golden Peak is at an altitude of 1612 meters,

The mountains naturally soar into the ,

Sitting and watching the clouds rise and surge.

At this moment, a large lotus appears in the clouds,

The center of the lotus seems to be the reflection of the sun,

And the entire shape of Wudang Mountain's seventy-two peaks facing the Great Peak

Is like the shape of a lotus flower.

Deep in the clouds, unaware of where,

But seeing the divine light arise,

In the instant the sun rises,

The mountain ranges and sea of clouds are dressed in gold, shining together with the sun.

A wheel rises swiftly to the celestial way,

Chasing away the stars and waning ,

This fairyland of Wudang

Perhaps allows the people of Shiyan to proudly say,

A panoramic view makes all other mountains seem flat!

The sunlight's illumination

Causes Tianzhu Peak to produce a reflection above the cloud layer,

What is even more awe-inspiring is

The sunlight is perfectly cast upon the Golden Peak,

Divine light appears on the sacred hall!

The irresistible beauty

Is precisely the work of nature's divine craftsmanship,

The Wudang fairyland is precisely nature's “grace” bestowed upon Shiyan,

Protecting this pure land,

Presenting her more beautifully to the world,

Is what truly honors the grace.

(Editor: Li Fengsen)

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