Natural Landscape – Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan

: A Masterpiece of Nature

In the southern section of the Minshan Mountain Range in the northwest of Sichuan Province, China, lies a natural wonder known as the “Fairy Tale World” – Jiuzhaigou. This place is not only a national 5A-level tourist attraction but also a World Natural Heritage site, a national key scenic area, a national nature reserve, a national geological park, and a World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Jiuzhaigou, with its unique natural landscapes and rich cultural resources, has attracted countless visitors to explore.

Geographic and Landforms

Jiuzhaigou is located in the Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhaigou , Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, about 400 kilometers away from Chengdu. The terrain here is higher in the south and lower in the north, with deep valleys and a significant difference in elevation. The altitude at the north edge of Jiuzhaigou mouth is about 2000 meters, the central ridges are all above 4000 meters, and the southern edge reaches more than 4500 meters. The main ditch is more than 30 kilometers long, with a total area of 65074.7 hectares. Jiuzhaigou is located in the transition zone from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Sichuan Basin, with a complex geological background, widespread carbonate distribution, developed folds and faults, strong neotectonic movements, and a large uplift of the crust, creating a variety of landforms.

Natural Resources

Jiuzhaigou is extremely rich in natural resources. As of 2022, the forest coverage rate exceeds 80%, with 38 kinds of liana plants and 74 kinds of rare plants under national protection, and 18 kinds of national protected animals. The flora and fauna resources here are abundant and diverse, with original forests covering the area, and more than ten rare and precious wild animals such as giant pandas inhabiting. The natural landscape of Jiuzhaigou is represented by three ditches and one hundred and eighteen seas, including five beaches, twelve waterfalls, ten streams, and dozens of springs.

Climate Characteristics

The climate of Jiuzhaigou belongs to the plateau humid climate, with an altitude of about 3000 meters. The spring temperature is lower, with an average temperature mostly between 9-18°C; the summer temperature rises quickly and is stable, with an average temperature of 19-22°C; the autumn is high and the climate is pleasant, with temperatures mostly between 7-18°C; the is relatively cold, with temperatures mostly around 0°C. The annual rainfall is less than 600mm, and July and August are the typical rainy season.

Tourism Resources

Jiuzhaigou has many tourist attractions, including Shuzheng Qunhai and Nuorilang Waterfall. Jiuzhaigou has developed four tourist scenic lines: Shuzheng, Ri Ze, Ze Cha Wa, and Zha Ru, with landscapes distributed in six scenic areas: Shuzheng, Nuorilang, Jianyan, Changhai, Zha Ru, and Tianhai. The natural landscape here is mainly water-based, such as Cuihu, Diepu, Cailin, and Xuefeng, forming a beautiful picture.

Cultural Customs

The cultural customs of Jiuzhaigou are rich and diverse, including Kangba culture, Ice Waterfall Festival, Folk Custom Month, Mazhi Cultural Festival, Risan Cultural Festival, Tibetan New , etc. The language, clothing, and customs of the Tibetan people here are significantly different from those of neighboring Tibetans, forming a unique cultural landscape.

Historical Evolution

The name Jiuzhaigou comes from the nine Tibetan villages in the scenic area, also known as “Heyao Jiuzhai.” Because there are nine villages inhabited by Tibetans for generations, it is named “Jiuzhaigou.” In the 1960s, Jiuzhaigou was a logging area for 126 and 127 forest farms. Later, after multiple protection and development, it gradually became today's World Natural Heritage site. In 1975, a working group from the Ministry of Agriculture, , and Fisheries conducted a comprehensive survey of Jiuzhaigou and concluded that “Jiuzhaigou not only has rich and precious and plant resources but also has one of the few beautiful scenic areas in the world.”


Jiuzhaigou, with its unique natural landscapes and rich cultural resources, is known as the “Fairy Tale World” and the “King of Water Scenery.” The natural beauty and cultural landscapes here complement each other, forming a beautiful fairy tale world. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn, or winter, Jiuzhaigou has its unique charm, attracting tourists from all over the world. If you have the opportunity, you must come in person to experience the beauty of nature and culture here.

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