Making payment easier for foreigners, seniors

At the State Council executive meeting on Feb 23, a guiding document on further optimizing services and improving convenience of payment was reviewed and approved. Focusing on the inconvenience faced by senior citizens and foreigners visiting China, the guiding document aims at promoting multiple payment methods such as , bank cards and .

With mobile payment so convenient for many, it has created digital divides, not only between the young and the elderly, but also between and foreigners. Especially, as China's visa-free continues to expand, coupled with the recovery of cross-border tourism following the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of foreign visitors to China has been increasing.

China has a developed of mobile payments, while many other countries and regions still use credit cards and cash. Efforts should be made to include cash and bank card payments along with mobile payments.

Bank fee rates can be lowered to encourage businesses to use point of sale machines, enabling customers to pay by card.

In 2022, the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, together with relevant departments, encouraged payment through card swiping, QR code scanning and cash payments, which was aimed at further strengthening the compatibility of existing mobile payment options for foreigners.

Finally, it should be noted that such relaxations do not mean the efforts to popularize mobile payments will stagnate. On the contrary, both need to be advanced in parallel.

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