Beautiful scenery of Erhai Lake in Dali, SW China’s Yunnan

Beautiful scenery of Erhai Lake in Dali, SW China's Yunnan-1Photo shows the beautiful scenery of Erhai in Dali, southwest 's Province. (Photo/Zhao Yizhou)

In December, the of in Dali, southwest China's Yunnan Province are adorned with red metasequoia trees, and red-billed gulls gracefully fly around the trees. The clear skies, pristine waters, the metasequoia trees and red-billed gulls create a harmonious and picturesque scene, where humans and coexist in harmony.

【1】【2】【3】【4】【5】【6】【7】Beautiful scenery of Erhai Lake in Dali, SW China's Yunnan-2

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