Cold Dew Brings Intense Cold: Focus on Spleen and Lung Health to Combat Cold Dryness

Cold Dew is the seventeenth of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms, signaling the arrival of colder weather. From Cold Dew onward, dew becomes heavier and temperatures drop significantly. As cold intensifies, the body's yang energy also begins to contract. For health preservation, it is important to focus on nourishing yin essence, with particular attention to strengthening the spleen and lungs to guard against cold dryness. The following “Three Dos,” “Three Don'ts,” and “Five Preventives” are especially important.

Three Dos

Strengthen the Spleen and Stimulate

Dietary supplementation during Cold Dew should begin with strengthening the spleen and stimulating appetite, followed by personalized dietary adjustments. This approach not only supports the spleen and lungs but also nourishes the intestines and replenishes vital essence while preventing fire, phlegm, dryness, and yin deficiency. Foods like pears, persimmons, bananas, carrots, winter , silver ear fungus, beans, mushrooms, kelp, and seaweed are recommended. Middle-aged and elderly individuals, as well as those with chronic illnesses, should consume more jujubes, lotus seeds, yam, duck, and fish. According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a healthy spleen ensures the proper functioning of the spleen in winter. Food enters the , and spleen qi disperses essence upward to the lungs. Therefore, both the spleen and lungs should be nourished during Cold Dew. Eating sweet, bland, and nourishing foods and balancing work and rest can help regulate the spleen and lungs, promoting vitality. Suitable porridges include yam porridge, polygonum porridge, asparagus porridge, raw land porridge, and yellowish porridge.

Nourish the Lungs and Moisturize

Cold Dew marks the transition from cool to cold, and dryness prevails during this period. If improperly managed, it can lead to symptoms of autumn dryness, such as dry mouth, nose, and skin, as well as increased incidences of colds and respiratory illnesses. Cold and dryness can easily harm the lungs and stomach, so the focus of health preservation at Cold Dew should be on nourishing yin and moisturizing. The diet should be balanced with slightly more sweet, bland, and nourishing foods that support the spleen, stomach, and lungs. Foods like pear, apple, winter melon, , lotus root, silver ear fungus, rice, yam, lily bulb, and asparagus are suitable. If heat and dryness symptoms are severe, spicy, smoked, and other stimulating foods should be limited.

Nourish and Soothe the Liver

Around Cold Dew, some may experience difficulty sleeping or waking up in the middle of the night and finding it hard to fall back asleep. Such recurring situations indicate liver blood deficiency and the need to focus on nourishing and soothing the liver. Sunbathing can help soothe liver qi and alleviate depressive moods. Soothing liver qi can also benefit the lungs. Drinking tea in autumn or preparing a rose fruit dish at home, along with adding lilies which can relieve phlegm and nourish yin for those with irritability and anxiety due to excessive phlegm-fire, is beneficial.

Three Don'ts

Avoid Exposing Feet

The saying goes, “Do not expose your body at White Dew, and do not expose your feet at Cold Dew.” With variable weather and significant temperature differences between day and night, special attention should be paid to keeping the feet warm, avoiding walking barefoot to prevent “cold from rising through the feet.” Since the feet are farthest from the heart and have less blood supply, combined with a thin layer of fat, they have poor insulation and are easily affected by cold. In addition to wearing warm shoes and socks, developing the habit of soaking feet in hot water before bedtime and massaging the soles can help promote blood circulation and alleviate fatigue, potentially preventing cardiovascular diseases caused by sudden temperature drops.

Avoid Cold Exposure

After entering Cold Dew, it is particularly important to stay warm and avoid going shirtless to prevent cold from entering the body. Special attention should be given to keeping the neck, waist, abdomen, and feet warm. The neck is a primary entry point for cold; if chilled, it can cause symptoms like coughing, runny nose, and itchy throat. Wearing a scarf can effectively keep the neck warm. “The waist is the residence of the kidneys,” and as yang energy wanes in autumn, kidney yang becomes relatively insufficient. Insufficient warmth in the waist, back, and abdomen can result in symptoms like back pain and diarrhea. Elderly individuals, women, children, and those with weaker constitutions should pay attention to staying warm and gradually add layers to prevent cold from affecting the body and hindering the generation of qi and blood.

Avoid Autumn Dryness

After Cold Dew, rainfall decreases, and days become warmer while nights grow cooler. Many people may experience symptoms of “cool dryness” in TCM, such as dry throat, nose, and skin. To combat autumn dryness, try drinking salt water in the morning and honey water in the evening.

Five Preventives

Prevent Cool Dryness

With the arrival of Cold Dew, cold winds intensify, and cool air invades, combining with dryness to form cool dryness. According to TCM theory, dryness is drying and can easily harm yin fluids, especially the lungs and stomach. Common symptoms include dry mouth and nose, dry throat, dry cough with little phlegm or sticky phlegm, dry skin, dull hair, scanty urine, and . The focus of health preservation should be on nourishing yin to prevent dryness and moistening the lungs and stomach. The diet should emphasize “nourishing yin and moistening dryness,” consuming more “acidic, sweet, and moist” foods while limiting spicy, aromatic, and smoked foods. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking warm water regularly. Bathing should not be too frequent, and indoor humidity should be maintained. Exercise should not be overly strenuous to prevent excessive depletion of essence and fluids.

Prevent Autumn Melancholy

As the climate cools in autumn, emotions can become unstable, leading to irritability and melancholy. Emotional expression and the cultivation of an optimistic and open-minded mindset are therefore important. Engaging in hobbies and interests can cultivate one's character; going out to enjoy scenery on sunny days can instantly lift one's mood. Bright colors can help regulate emotions; wearing bright red, orange, and yellow clothes is recommended.

Prevent Haze

It is important to note that during Cold Dew, in addition to cooling temperatures, there is often heavy . Without adequate protection, this can not only trigger coughs and other respiratory diseases but also leave lingering issues that recur the following year. Persistent fog can exacerbate the burden on the circulatory system in the elderly. After Cold Dew, when autumn and winter mornings are cold and foggy, older adults who exercise in the morning should wait until the fog has dissipated to avoid lung damage from inhaling excessive amounts of cold fog.

Prevent Holding Urine

As the weather starts to cool, many older adults avoid getting up at night to urinate due to the fear of feeling cold, often holding their urine and continuing to sleep. This is an unhealthy habit. Urine contains toxins, and holding urine for extended periods can trigger urinary tract infections and cystitis. For hypertensive patients, holding urine can excite the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increased blood pressure, faster heartbeat, and increased myocardial oxygen consumption, potentially causing cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, and in severe cases, sudden death.

Prevent Nasal Allergies

With the arrival of autumn, nasal allergies often recur in many patients. In addition to paying attention to keeping the nose warm, preventing colds, and avoiding allergens, using cold water to rub the nose can improve blood circulation, enhance nasal mucosal resistance, and effectively alleviate nasal allergy symptoms.

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