Traditional Chinese Herbal Diets for Chronic Nephritis

Chronic nephritis is a protracted condition that causes much suffering for patients and their families. A proper diet and traditional Chinese herbal diets can help alleviate , improve anemia, reduce the accumulation of protein metabolites in the blood, improve symptoms, and enhance quality of life. The onset of chronic nephritis is often due to spleen and kidney deficiency, external pathogenic factors, and inadequate organ function, leading to stagnation of dampness and turbidity, obstruction by internal stasis, which then exacerbates the damage to the body's vital . This creates a vicious cycle where deficiency and pathogenic factors feed off each other, making the stubborn and difficult to cure. For patients with chronic nephritis who exhibit signs of prolonged retention of damp-heat, foods with cooling and blood-stabilizing properties can be selected; for those with long-term organ deficiency, foods with tonifying and health-supporting effects are suitable. Below are some herbal diet recipes for consideration, but they should only be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Tangerine and Jellyfish Soup

The Tangerine Root and Jellyfish Soup is made by cooking tangerine roots and jellyfish together. Tangerine roots have the function of clearing heat and generating body fluids, as well as dissolving phlegm and eliminating accumulations. Jellyfish has the function of softening hardness and dissipating phlegm, as well as eliminating accumulations and moistening the bowels. Use 30 grams of jellyfish heads, washed to remove the salty taste, and cook them with an equal amount of tangerine roots to make a soup. Divide it into 2-3 servings and consume it all within one day. Continue this for seven days for its heat-clearing, detoxifying, and laxative effects.

Watermelon Rind Soup

Watermelon rind has the function of clearing heat, detoxifying, diuresis, and reducing edema, while couchgrass root clears heat and stabilizes blood. Use 10 grams of watermelon rind and 30 grams of white couchgrass root (60 grams if fresh), boil them together, and divide into 2-3 servings to be consumed within one day. Continue this for seven days for its blood-cooling effect, which can help alleviate hematuria and lower blood pressure.

Water Chestnut and Radish

Water chestnuts, also known as tangerine roots, have the functions of clearing heat, generating body fluids, and dissolving phlegm and eliminating accumulations. White radishes have the effects of expelling phlegm, aiding digestion, and reducing gas and bloating. Grate 500 grams of water chestnuts and 500 grams of white radishes, squeeze out the juice through sterilized gauze, remove the residue, add a little honey, and divide into 2-3 servings. This juice has a heat-clearing and blood pressure-lowering effect.

Pig Bile and Mung Bean Powder

Pig bile has the functions of clearing heat, detoxifying, calming, and stimulating bile production, while mung beans clear heat and detoxify. Mix 20 grams of pig bile and 60 grams of mung bean powder evenly, dry them into a powder, and 3-6 grams at a time with warm water, once or twice daily, for seven consecutive days. Studies have found that this method can reduce lipid content in animal tissues and blood, not only preventing experimental atherosclerosis but also lowering elevated lipid levels.

Hedge Mustard

Hedge mustard has the function of clearing heat and stopping bleeding. Cook 60 grams of hedge mustard with rice to make porridge. Consume once daily on a regular basis for its ability to stop hematuria and also lower blood pressure.

Common Purslane and Lotus Root Juice

Common purslane has the function of clearing heat and stabilizing blood, and lotus root can also cool heat and stabilize blood. Crush 250 grams of fresh common purslane and 250 grams of fresh lotus root, squeeze out the juice through sterilized gauze, remove the residue, and divide into 2-3 servings. It has a heat-clearing and blood-stabilizing effect and can stop hematuria.

Chrysanthemum, Hawthorn, and Cassia Seed Tea

Chrysanthemums have the function of clearing liver and brightening vision. Hawthorns promote blood circulation, dissolve stasis, and lower lipids and aid digestion. Cassia seeds also clear the liver and brighten vision and have a lipid-lowering and bowel-moistening effect. Boil 30 grams of chrysanthemums, 30 grams of raw hawthorns, and 10 grams of crushed cassia seeds together, strain, sweeten with rock sugar, and drink as a tea substitute. It has blood pressure and lipid-lowering effects and can reduce urinary protein.

Cordyceps and Old Duck Stew

Duck meat has the function of nourishing yin, replenishing blood, promoting urination, and reducing edema. Cordyceps sinensis has the function of benefiting the lungs and kidneys, and it plays a certain role in protecting renal function in chronic nephritis. Remove the feathers and innards from one old duck, place 15 grams of cordyceps sinensis inside the duck cavity, tie it up with string, add an appropriate amount of water, and stew until tender. Drink the broth and eat the meat, which can be divided over three to four days. It has the effect of increasing plasma protein and promoting urination and reducing edema.

Lotus Seed, Water Chestnut, and Lean Pork Soup

Lotus seeds have the function of strengthening the spleen and consolidating essence. Water chestnuts can supplement the spleen, benefit the kidneys, and consolidate essence. Lean pork strengthens the spleen and kidneys. Use 30 grams of lotus seeds, 30 grams of water chestnuts, and 100-150 grams of lean pork, add an appropriate amount of water, and cook into a soup. Divide into 2-3 servings. It has the effect of increasing plasma protein and reducing urinary protein.

Astragalus and Softshell Turtle Stew

Astragalus has the function of strengthening qi, tonifying the spleen, promoting diuresis, and reducing edema. Softshell turtles, also known as freshwater turtles, have the function of nourishing the kidneys, tonifying yin, and replenishing blood. Place one live softshell turtle (about 500 grams) in hot water to induce urination, kill it, cut it open, clean it, remove the innards, and cook it with 60 grams of astragalus in an appropriate amount of water. Divide into 2-3 servings. It is suitable for patients with chronic nephritis with both qi and yin deficiency, and it can increase plasma protein, lower blood pressure, and promote diuresis.

Editor: Zhang Zhiyuan

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