Soaking Goji Berries and Drinking Herbal Soups: Young People Embrace New Traditional Chinese Health Preservation Methods

During company meetings, young employees pull out their thermoses filled with goji berries; during lunch breaks, they visit health preservation centers for foot massages or cupping treatments; after work, they cook themselves a pot of porridge… Nowadays, an increasing number of young people are joining the ranks of those practicing new traditional Chinese health preservation methods, making health preservation a popular lifestyle among the younger . Why are young people embracing new traditional Chinese health preservation? Which methods are most favored by them? What misconceptions should be avoided while focusing on health preservation? The reporter conducted interviews to find out.

Health Preservation Concepts Gain Popularity Among Young People

“On weekdays, it's mostly young professionals from nearby offices who come here for foot massages and cupping treatments,” said Mr. Cong, a foot therapist at a health preservation center near Zhongguancun in Beijing. The reporter observed that during lunch break, there were five foot massage therapists in the store, four of whom were serving customers.

In the reporter's traditional perception, those enthusiastic about foot massages, cupping, and massages are typically middle-aged or elderly individuals. Unexpectedly, the main clientele of this store are young people working in internet companies in Zhongguancun. According to Mr. Gao, the store manager, “Middle-aged and elderly residents living nearby generally only have time to come after finishing household chores in the evening. Most of the time, it's the younger crowd who visit more frequently.”

Exposing their backs to the during the dog days, using thermoses to brew health preservation tea at work, and receiving moxibustion and foot soaks after work – young people are increasingly willing to try new traditional Chinese health preservation methods. A survey conducted by the Social Investigation Center of China Youth Daily among 1,000 respondents found that 74.3% of young people surveyed believe they have an awareness of traditional Chinese medicine () health preservation, 94.0% have some of TCM health preservation concepts, and 93.3% have tried various TCM treatments.

Specifically, guasha is the most popular TCM health preservation method, with 45.7% of young people surveyed having tried it. 45.1% have tried cupping, and 40.9% have experienced pulse diagnosis. In addition, moxibustion, massage, and drinking herbal medicines are also common TCM health preservation methods practiced by young people, for 38.7%, 37.6%, and 32.7% respectively. Some young people also attempt to adjust their bodies through dietary therapy, practicing Tai Chi, and other health-preserving exercises.

Which TCM health preservation concepts do young people know? The survey revealed that 48.6% of young people surveyed are aware of “moderate diet, neither too hungry nor too full.” Concepts such as “nourishing yang in spring and summer, nourishing yin in autumn and winter” and “going to bed late and rising early in summer, going to bed early and rising late in winter,” both from the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, are also well-known among young people, with percentages of 45.8% and 44.4% respectively. Additionally, around 30% of young people surveyed are familiar with concepts like “ indicates obstruction, no pain indicates unobstructed flow,” “treat disease before it occurs,” and “diseases arise from emotions, light emotions mean light diseases.”

Treating the Body as a Long-Term Investment

When his physical examination report showed multiple alarming indicators, and he constantly felt unwell, Mr. Li, an internet engineer working in Xisanqi, Beijing, suddenly realized that his lifestyle needed to change.

“Our work schedule is irregular. Although we knew our lifestyles were unhealthy, due to high work pressure and a fast-paced life, we couldn't reasonably arrange our living and eating habits. As small health issues continued to arise, I came to realize that the body is an object worthy of long-term investment. Therefore, I started to learn more about health preservation concepts and methods,” Mr. Li told the reporter.

A pharmacist at a Tong Ren Tang pharmacy near Beihang Bridge in Beijing told the reporter that an increasing number of young people are coming to purchase herbs for dietary therapy. Ingredients like Poria, White Peony Root, Goji Berries, and Astragalus, which can be used both as food and medicine, are very popular. “This summer, a TCM version of sour plum soup became trendy. Many young professionals working nearby stopped drinking milk tea and instead came to our pharmacy to buy herbs according to prescriptions, including ingredients like Prunus, Citrus Peel, Hawthorn, and Licorice. The pharmacy even offers a preparation service, making it even more convenient,” the pharmacist added.

Miss Liu, who works in the consulting industry, told the reporter that health preservation is a frequent topic of discussion among colleagues, and they often share experiences with each other. More and more social gatherings have been replaced with “health preservation gatherings.”

Mr. Wu Daiqi, CEO of Shenzhen Siqicheng Company and brand management expert, told the reporter that young people are increasingly valuing new traditional Chinese health preservation methods, which is closely related to China's cultural confidence. Traditional Chinese medicine and herbs are important components of Chinese culture. Born in an era of material abundance, the younger generation has a growing appreciation for China's traditional culture, which is being increasingly utilized and promoted by businesses, enhancing young people's cultural pride and encouraging them to embrace traditional Chinese culture. On the other hand, young people tend to have irregular lifestyles, such as staying up late and having irregular diets, and they believe that health preservation methods can help maintain their health and offset the negative effects of these habits.

“Today, many young people have better living conditions, which enables them to afford health preservation products. In the internet age, accessing information about health preservation and purchasing relevant products and services is extremely convenient, which helps foster a demand for health preservation among young people,” said Mr. Zhang Yi, chief analyst at Ai Media Consulting.

Health Preservation Requires Scientific Approaches

Dr. Fan Su, deputy physician at the Wangjing Hospital of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, told the reporter that young people's awareness of TCM health preservation is becoming stronger, especially when they feel unwell but don't meet the diagnostic criteria for illness. Many young people actively seek the help of TCM, whether it's massage, cupping, or guasha, not only to effectively alleviate sub-health issues but also to prevent illness through “treating disease before it occurs.”

“Of course, excessive focus on health preservation should be avoided, and one must be wary of the health anxiety maliciously created by unscrupulous merchants. Health preservation should also be approached scientifically,” Mr. Zhang Yi believes. Health preservation should primarily focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including adequate rest, balanced diet, regular exercise, etc., and should not involve excessive consumption of tonics.

Mr. Wu Daiqi suggests that young people should correctly understand the holistic and systematic nature of TCM and have a proper understanding of health preservation principles, avoiding blind attraction to conceptualized products marketed by some businesses and mindless consumption.

Professor Guo Yi, vice president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, stated that effective health preservation methods should involve the cultivation of good living habits. For example, although herbal teas are beneficial, they are not suitable for everyone and should not be consumed excessively without considering individual constitution and circumstances. “While pursuing health, we should rationally view the characteristics and potential efficacy of TCM herbs, respecting and inheriting traditional culture to continuously rejuvenate it in modern society. Moderation in diet, regular living habits, appropriate exercise, and emotional balance are the most effective means of maintaining physical and mental health,” Professor Guo Yi explained.

According to Dr. Fan Su, besides diet, not everyone is suited for intense sports like running or basketball. By comparison, health-preserving exercises in the TCM system, such as Tai Chi and the Eight-Section Brocade, aim for long-term effects. TCM emphasizes balance, and these gentle exercises, although seemingly low-intensity, require significant coordination and physical fitness, making them potentially more suitable for some individuals.

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