The season with the greatest temperature difference between day and night has arrived; let’s hear the health preservation advice from a Traditional Chinese Medicine expert

's descent marks the end of the third decade of , as the old saying goes: “After three decades of autumn's reign, one leaf of fall remains.” Frost's descent is the final seasonal marker of autumn, signaling the transition to . So, how should we preserve our health during this period? Let's listen to Pan Yanjun, Deputy Director of the Department of Geriatric Medicine at Jing'an District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, share her health preservation advice.

Dietary Advice

During the time of frost's descent, dryness still lingers, and people may symptoms such as dry mouth, throat, eyes, and skin. In terms of diet, it is recommended to choose vegetables and fruits with higher , such as bitter melon, lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, pomelo, citrus, apples, and lemons.

Lifestyle Advice

After the frost descends, the weather gradually cools down, and the difference between day and night increases. It is suggested to go to early and rise late, shortening outdoor activity time. Before sleeping at night, soaking your feet can help circulate and dispel cold.

Skin Care Advice

In autumn, the skin tends to become dry and taut. To prevent dryness and cracking, you can apply moisturizing oil daily.

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