International forum discusses cultural heritage empowered by digital innovation
BEIJING, July 18 ( tasteallchina ) -- At the northernmost end of Beijing's Central Axis, a vertical axis of its urban layout dating back to the 13th century, the city's iconic landmarks -- the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower -- stand in solemn succession. Stepping into the Drum Tower, visitors are treated to a fully immersive experience through its digital interactive exhibition "the story of time." Here, ancient architecture is transformed into a space where light and shadow dance, narrating the ancestors' cosmology and wisdom in timekeeping, offering a glimpse into China's innovative fusion of historical edifices with digital creativity. This novel approach to cultural heritage preservation in this digital era has garnered wide attention at the ongoing 2024 International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization held in the Chinese capital. In the tide of digitalization, global experts and scholars are discussing how to use new technologies and methods to protect, document, research, manage and interpret cultural heritages, as well as transform historical resources into innovative industries and new quality productive forces. As of Tuesday, over 300 representatives of more than 200 cultural institutions, universities and enterprises from 20 countries and regions, including Canada, Italy, Greece, and the… -
The Ancient Traditional Customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival, the second-largest folk festival in the Chinese festival system next to the Spring Festival, has spawned countless legends and poems over the centuries. “明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年?” "How long will the full moon appear? Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of the year 'Twould be tonight in the palace on high." In fact, the Mid-Autumn Festival is essentially the "Chinese Ritual Moon Festival", and the worship of the moon by the Chinese people has started since ancient times. "The lonely moon goddess, spreads her ample sleeves, To dance for these loyal souls in infinite space." "Chang'e is dancing in the long sky for ten thousand miles." From Chang'e Flying to the Moon to the lunar exploration program, for more than 2,000 years, people have never paid less attention to the moon. Mid-Autumn Festival was popularized during the Han Dynasty, a period of economic and cultural exchange and integration, when cultural exchanges across the country led to the fusion and spread of festival customs. The term "Zhong Qiu (mid-autumn, 中秋)" was first written down in Han Dynasty literature, and the Zhou Li between the two Han dynasties recorded that during the pre-Qin period,…