The Charm of Tea — An Irreplaceable Gem of Beverages
Tea, this ancient and magical beverage, carries thousands of years of history and culture, exuding a unique charm and occupying an important place in people's lives. Tea is undoubtedly one of the world's greatest beverages. Its prevalence and consumption far exceed those of other drinks, with billions of cups around the globe carrying its rich flavor each year. Compared to carbonated drinks, wine, and others, tea stands out due to the endless mysteries and unique values it holds. In fresh tea leaves, water and dry matter form the basic components. Through extensive research, over 700 chemical constituents have been identified in tea. The complex layers of taste we experience when sipping tea—such as bitterness, aftertaste, astringency, sweetness—and the diverse aromas, including floral, fruity, tender, and honey-like scents, are all due to the richness of these substances. Among the many components, three stand out as particularly crucial, indispensable treasures of tea. First is tea polyphenols, often referred to as preservatives for the human body. They are present in high concentrations in tea, ranging from 18% to 36%, making them a critical component. Numerous studies on the antioxidant functions of tea focus on tea polyphenols. Free radicals can attack human tissues and…