Spring Allergies Got You Down?
In spite of the snowy days we've experienced recently, it really is spring and allergies really have started to affect us. For some it's the nasal congestion and runny nose, for others it's the itchy eyes and headaches, but for all that suffer from seasonal allergies, it's unpleasant.As with all clinical presentations in Chinese medicine, we look for the root cause and atthe branch symptoms. What do we mean by the root cause of allergies? It's the pollen isn't it? Well, sort of. Sure, the pollen is the trigger and part of the root cause, but the other part is how your immune system is responding to the pollen. When your immune system senses the pollen, it floods your system with antibodies to attack the allergen. These antibodies trigger a cascade of events that cause the symptoms you experience with seasonal allergies such as runny nose, congestion, itchy eyes, chest tightness which are the branch symptoms. Sure, you can take over the counter medications to help alleviate symptoms, but what can you do to address the root...the immune response. In chinese medicine we use acupuncture and herbal medicine to regulate the immune system response.But how? Well, when acupuncture needles are…