Fen Geba
Geba is a dish that has been popular for over a hundred years in Fucheng County, Hebei Province. NameFen Geba CategorySpecialty Cuisine OriginHebei Province - Hengshui City - Fucheng County Geba is a dish that has been popular for over a hundred years in Fucheng County, Hebei Province. In ancient times, people could not afford chicken, duck, fish, or meat, so they ground mung beans, which they produced themselves, into flour, added an appropriate amount of water, and cooked it on an iron pan over a fire. It has since become a delicacy on the family dining tables in Fucheng and surrounding counties and cities.When guests visit, or during festive occasions, Fen Geba is always served as a specialty dish. It is also a must-bring gift when visiting friends and relatives. People working away from home never forget to bring some back when they return.Eating Fen Geba regularly benefits health in many ways. Mung beans contain: 22.1g protein, 0.8g fat, 50g carbohydrates, vitamin B1, B2, carotene, folic acid, minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., per 100g, with a calorific value of 332 kcal. Its pharmacological effects include: antibacterial, lipid-lowering, cholesterol-lowering, anti-tumor, antiallergic, liver and kidney protection, beautifying the complexion,…