Pigeon Soup Recipes
The pigeon, a common bird, played an important role in ancient times as a messenger. Utilizing the pigeon's homing ability to transmit messages, pigeon breeding is now widespread, and edible pigeons can be purchased at most markets. Pigeons are typically used for making soup, as it is believed that pigeon soup has excellent therapeutic effects and nourishes the body. There is even a saying that "one pigeon is better than nine chickens." Selecting Good Pigeons Old pigeons are very fragrant but hard to cook until tender. For tonics, 30- to 45-day-old squabs are generally used. When selecting, look for those with yellow down feathers that have not completely shed, and check for meat by feeling the chest. If the breastbone is too prominent, there is likely little meat. Additionally, ensure the pigeons are lively and energetic, with a larger front and smaller rear, and a pure color. Pigeon Soup Recipes – Cordyceps Flower and Chinese Yam Pigeon Soup Ingredients: 2 pigeons, 50 grams of Chinese yam, 10 grams of cordyceps flower, 20 grams of adzuki beans, 10 grams of barley, salt to taste. Method: 1. Prepare the pigeons and rinse them clean; 2. Rinse the Chinese yam, adzuki beans, cordyceps…