Kashgar Dried Plums

Kashgar Dried Plums-1

Basic Introduction to Kashgar Dried Plums

The raw materials for Kashgar dried plums come from Kashi Jiasi , the largest cultivation area in . With long hours of sunshine and a dry climate, the plums grown here are rich in nutrients.

Nutritional Value

Plums are rich in citric acid, malic acid, and , which can help reduce pressure, induce sleep, and have a cooling and moisturizing effect. The bitter and sour of plums strengthens function and eliminates fatigue. As an alkaline food, plums can balance the pH of the blood, purify the blood, and promote the natural elimination of toxins, helping to detoxify food, water, and blood.

Product Features

The exterior is dark with plump and sweet fruits. They have been carefully selected multiple times ensuring cleanliness and uniformity of size. Strictly selected small-seeded plums with thick flesh.

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