Ningguo Hill Walnut

Ningguo Hill Walnut-1

Nutritional Value of Ningguo Hill Walnuts

The Ningguo Hill Walnuts have a low oleic and a high iodine value, making them an easily digestible and excellent edible oil that can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. They are effective in lowering blood lipids and preventing cardiovascular diseases. The kernel contains about 9% protein, 17 amino acids, and 20 mineral elements, providing extremely high nutritional value.

Product Characteristics

The Ningguo Hill Walnuts have large seeds with thin shells; the kernels are thick and rich in oil. Processed using traditional methods, they have a pleasant color and aroma, with a crisp and tasty kernel. They possess lung-nourishing, stomach-enriching, -enhancing, and hair-darkening properties. As a well-known specialty product of Ningguo, analysis of the economic traits of the fruit shows that the thousand-kernel weight of dry fruit ranges from 3040 to 4425 grams, with an average kernel yield rate of 45.3% to 55.2%. Dry fruit weighing over 3500 grams accounts for 73.4% of the total. The oil content of the dry kernel reaches 69.8% to 74.9%, making it one of the tree species with the highest oil content. The superior quality and distinct characteristics of Ningguo Hill Walnuts are closely related to Ningguo's superior ecological environment and scientific practices.

History and Folklore

According to fossil records, as far back as the Oligocene period (40-25 million years ago), there were Hill Walnuts distributed in . During the Miocene epoch, Hill Walnuts, along with some trees from the Betulaceae and Fagaceae families, became major components of the subtropical deciduous-broadleaf mixed forests in East . Following the devastation of the Quaternary glaciation, they were preserved only in the Tianmu Mountains area at the border of Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, making them one of the ancient relict tree species. As the main production area of the Tianmu Mountains' Hill Walnuts, Ningguo's Hill Walnuts have long been renowned. As early as during the Jiajing era of the Ming Dynasty ( 28), the “Ningguo County Annals” recorded: “In Ningguo, there are many mountains, which produce Hill Walnuts. When they first grow and before their outer skin is removed, they resemble peaches, hence the name.” “When the White Dew comes, bamboo poles shake; the ground is covered in gold, carried away on shoulder poles.” Ningguo Province in our country is the of Hill Walnuts, and every year around the time of the White Dew, it is the day when Hill Walnuts are harvested. However, for a long time, the method of manually climbing trees to pick and using bamboo poles to knock down the fruits has often resulted in casualties. Thus, Hill Walnuts have also gained the chilling nickname of “bloody fruits.”

Distinguishing Genuine from Fake

Look: Check if the size is uniform, whether there are any shriveled or deformed nuts, and if the color is consistent. A few differently colored ones might be “oil nuts.” If you notice that the Hill Walnuts appear to be several colors mixed together, special attention should be paid, as this could indicate the presence of old nuts.

Smell: Check for the fragrance of Hill Walnuts. Generally, freshly roasted Hill Walnuts have a scent that stimulates the .

Taste: Crack open a Hill Walnut; the kernel should be full, golden yellow, and have a thin shell that is easy to break. The aroma should be strong, and the meat should not have a bitter taste.

Tasting and Eating Methods of Ningguo Hill Walnuts

Ningguo Hill Walnuts, a specialty of Ningguo. The Hill Walnuts produced in Ningguo City, Anhui Province, are well-renowned. Ningguo is known as the “Home of Chinese Hill Walnuts,” with its Hill Walnuts characterized by thin shells, thick kernels, and high oil content. By 2009, the city's Hill Walnut plantation area had reached 9,300 hectares, with a peak annual output of 3,249 tons. With the expansion of the Hill Walnut plantation base, processing and distribution industries emerged, forming a preliminary Hill Walnut processing and sales system. Processing products include salted, five-spice, cream, and multi-flavored Hill Walnuts, as well as Hill Walnut kernels and oil, forming an industry worth over 100 million yuan. In 1996, Ningguo City was awarded the title of “China's Hill Walnut Capital.” “When the White Dew comes, bamboo poles shake; the ground is covered in gold, carried away on shoulder poles” refers to the day when Hill Walnuts are harvested each year. The main distribution of Hill Walnuts in China is in the Western Tianmu Mountains at the border of Anhui and Zhejiang provinces, where they are considered a rare specialty.

Locals refer to Ningguo Hill Walnuts as “Xiaoning Guo” because they differ from other larger walnuts, also known as small walnuts. Therefore, the initial character “Ning” from Ningguo and the character “Guo” (fruit) are combined to form Xiaoning Guo, referring specifically to the small Hill Walnuts of Ningguo.

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