Fenghua White Peach

Fenghua White Peach-1

Basic Introduction to Fenghua White Peach

The Fenghua White Peach is hailed as the “best in China,” a historical affirmation of this traditional fruit. A comprehensive system of 25 early, mid-season, and late varieties has been developed, including Early Dew, Snowy Rain Dew, Early Shazi, Honeydew Lakeview, Tabridge, Yulu, and Yingqing, ensuring a supply period of over 120 days. The Fenghua White Peach is renowned for its beautiful appearance, tender flesh, abundant juice, sweet flavor, strong aroma, thin peel, and melt-in-the-mouth texture, which leaves a lingering aftertaste, earning it the reputation of being “nectar and jade dew, a delicacy from the celestial pond” both domestically and internationally.

Nutritional Value

The flesh of the Fenghua White Peach is rich in protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B and C, and contains a large amount of water. It can serve a nourishing and moistening function and help replenish qi and moisten the lungs, beneficial for chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis, atelectasis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, and other conditions characterized by dry cough, hemoptysis, chronic fever, and night sweats.

Product Characteristics

Fenghua is a low mountain and hilly area with a subtropical monsoon climate, warm and humid with ample rainfall. The is loose and slightly acidic, with good drainage. This unique geographical environment and favorable natural conditions provide the necessary foundation for the nutritional and reproductive growth of the white peach. Abundant sunlight and the large temperature difference between day and night in are very conducive to nutrient accumulation and fruit coloring. Planting on low mountains and hills far from industrial pollution results in a uniquely excellent product that is fresh, sweet, fragrant, and eco-friendly. Linjia Village, Tang Village, and Hejia Village are three of the most famous specialized white peach villages.

Historical Folklore

The Fenghua White Peach is a traditional fruit. In 1883 (during the 's Guangxu period), Zhang Yinchong, an elderly horticulturist from Sanliubayuan village in Xikou town, introduced “Longhua White Peach” from Shanghai. After long-term cultivation and selection, the present-day “Yulu White Peach” was bred. In 1996, Fenghua city was named the “Chinese White Peach Hometown” by the Rural Development Department of the State Council Development Research Center and other departments.

The cultivation area of Fenghua White Peaches now reaches 35,000 mu, with Linjia village in Xiaowangmiao, Fenghua owning more than 5,000 mu, making it the primary production area. The main varieties produced include “Honeydew Lakeview” and “Yulu White Peach.” These two varieties come to market in mid-July to early August each year.

The Fenghua White Peach has a beautiful shape and bright color, tender flesh, abundant juice, sweet taste, a resilient yet easy-to-peel , and melts in the mouth, with a strong aroma that lingers. Testing shows that every hundred grams of fresh fruit contains 0.8 grams of protein, 13-14% soluble solids, and also contains multiple vitamins, minerals, organic acids, etc., with an edible rate of over 90%. It is known as “nectar and jade dew” and “a delicacy from the celestial pond.” In August 1996, a panel of nine experts, including Professor Shen Dexu of Zhejiang University and researcher Zhuang Enji of the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, concluded that the Fenghua White Peach “has the best flavor and quality in the country.”

How to Tell Authentic Fenghua White Peaches

Here are three tips:

First, look at the apex of the fruit: under the stem, authentic Fenghua White Peaches will have pink or purplish-red flesh inside;

Second, smell the fruit: authentic Fenghua White Peaches give off a sweet fragrance;

Third, examine the stone: the stone of an authentic Fenghua White Peach is connected to the flesh, and the stone itself is pink or purplish-red.

In addition, the skin is relatively thin, the flesh is creamy white, and the stone area is purplish-red.

All authentic Fenghua White Peaches come with special color gift boxes. As long as you verify the original place of origin protection mark, you can ensure that you've purchased genuine Fenghua White Peaches.

Awards and Honors

In 1996, domestic peach experts concluded that the Fenghua White Peach is “the best among Chinese white peaches, worthy of the of China's number one peach!”

The Fenghua White Peach has won:

The Fenghua White Peach has successively won:

Zhejiang Province Famous Product

Gold Award at the Zhejiang Province Fine Fruit and Sales Fair

Zhejiang Province Green, Reassuring, and Nutritious Marked Product

Gold Award for High-Quality Agricultural Products at the Zhejiang International Agriculture Expo

-name Product at the China International Agriculture Expo

Gold Award for High-Quality Agricultural Products at the Zhejiang Agriculture Expo

China Green

Zhejiang Province Renowned and Superior Product

Zhejiang Province Famous Trademark

Gold Award for Fine Fruits and Top Ten Special Agricultural Products Brand in Zhejiang Province.

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