Luochuan Apples

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Basic Introduction to Luochuan Apples

Luochuan, Shaanxi Province, is known as the “ Hometown.” The apples produced here are renowned for their color, aroma, and taste.

The climate, soil, and geographical location of Luochuan and the Wei River's northern plateau are perfectly suited to the ecological conditions required for growing high-quality apples. This region is considered one of the best areas in the world for apple cultivation and has been designated as apple production base in Shaanxi Province and throughout China.

Nutritional Value

Apples are known as “wisdom fruits.” The soluble and iron in apples are easy to digest and absorb, making them highly beneficial for the growth and development of infants. Scientists have found that apples contain various vitamins, minerals, fats, and sugars necessary for brain development. They also contain fine fibers that aid in the growth and development of children and zinc, which can enhance memory. Apples are not only beneficial for children but are also excellent therapeutic foods for the elderly. Eating three apples a day is greatly beneficial to human health.

Product Characteristics

Luochuan apples are of excellent quality, with beautiful , large and size, clean , bright color, crisp texture, high sugar content, sweet taste, moderate hardness, and good storability.

Historical Folklore

Apples were introduced into Shaanxi around the Han Dynasty.

In 1947, a farmer named Li Xin'an from Aishi Village in Luochuan began to introduce apple varieties from Lingbao, Henan Province. In 1986, Luochuan was designated by the Ministry of Agriculture as a premium apple production base. By the mid-1990s, apples had become the main source of income for farmers in Luochuan.

Luochuan, Shaanxi Province, is located in the Loess Plateau of the Wei River's northern region, with a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate. It is a high-value area for sunlight, which is conducive to the accumulation and transport of photosynthetic substances in apples, providing an advantage for apple cultivation.

Awards and Honors for Luochuan Apples

In all provincial and national apple evaluations, the quality of Luochuan apples consistently ranks at the top. In 1974, at the national apple variety appraisal meeting, the total score of Luochuan apples surpassed that of American Snapples, earning them fame both domestically and abroad. In 1978, at the Shaanxi Provincial Standards Review and New Variety Evaluation Meeting, Luochuan Red Star and Red Crown apples ranked first and second in total scores, with all evaluation indicators reaching premium quality standards. In 1985, Luochuan Marshal and Golden Delicious apples were awarded as high-quality agricultural products in the province. In 1991, they won a silver medal at the State Science and Technology Commission's Seventh Five-Year Spark Fair. In 1994, at the First Chinese Yangling Agricultural Products Expo, three varieties of Luochuan Fuji apples received the Hou Ji Gold Statue . In October 1995, at the Second Chinese Agricultural Products Expo, Luochuan apples won 13 gold, 7 silver, and 1 bronze awards, stunning both domestic and international audiences.

Ways to Enjoy

In addition to eating them raw, Luochuan apples can be cooked, pickled, dried, roasted, or processed into canned goods, candied fruits, jams, cakes, fruit pastes, juices, wines, and vinegars.

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