Panan Xiangfei

Panan Xiangfei-1

Basic Introduction to Panan Xiangfei

Panan is rich in Xiangfei, with a cultivation history of over 1,300 years. It is renowned as the hometown of Chinese Xiangfei.

The picking of Xiangfei is quite challenging; unlike walnuts that can be harvested by beating the branches, Xiangfei trees bear both ripe nuts and immature fruits for the following year. Thus, each nut must be carefully picked one by one, especially those growing at the tips of branches, which requires skilled individuals to climb the . Otherwise, they risk falling off. Unlike peaches, plums, and other similar fruits, freshly picked Xiangfei nuts are not immediately edible. They need to be piled up for seven days to ferment, allowing the nutrients to transform. Then, the outer green husk is removed, washed, and left to pile up for around 15 more days (the second maturation process for nutrient transformation). Only after this process does the Xiangfei have sufficient aroma, ready for drying or roasting in batches.

Nutritional Value

Xiangfei has a delicious taste and high nutritional value. Analysis shows that its flesh contains 50% fat, 10% protein, along with various vitamins and minerals. Not only is Xiangfei rich in nutrition, but it also has medicinal properties. According to Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica, Xiangfei can treat hemorrhoids, expel parasites, aid digestion, strengthen bones and muscles, improve circulation, enhance vision, and increase appetite.

Product Characteristics

The fruit is encased in a hard shell, roughly the size of a jujube, with an olive-shaped kernel that tapers at both ends into an oval shape. When mature, the shell turns yellow-brown or dark brown, while the seed inside is yellow-white, rich in oil and has a distinctive aroma, making it very appetizing.

Historical Folklore

Panan has been rich in Xiangfei for over 1,300 years. Historically, Panan belonged to the . In the 5th , the “Supplementary Records of Famous Physicians” records: “It grows in Yongchang and Dongyang prefectures.” In the 10th century, the “Collection of Rhymes” by Song Dynasty's Ding Du mentions: “Fei, a tree name, bears fruit, found in the Dongyang region.” According to the preserved genealogy of Zhou family from Feihu (anciently known as Feiwu) in Wancang Township of Panan County, locals started planting Xiangfei trees during the Tang Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi, Panan Xiangfei was already a tribute to the imperial court. Additionally, there are many villages and place names within our county related to “Fei,” such as Feili, Feiwu, Banfei, under Fei trees, and Fei ridge, all indicating historical traces of Xiangfei growth. To this day, in Huanglianwo of Dongchuan Village, Anwen Town, Panan County, there is a cluster of ancient Xiangfei trees numbering over 600, with the largest one being over 1,500 years old, hailed as the “King of Chinese Xiangfei.”

Differentiating Genuine Panan Xiangfei

Xiangfei Nuts – Selection Secrets:

1. Select Size: Larger fruits have longer growth cycles and contain more nutrients.

2. Select Fullness: Plump fruits indicate natural , with finer texture and better flavor.

3. Select Uniformity: Fruits with natural color and size.

4. Select Shell: Thin and brittle shells that are easy to crack open.

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