Xianju Yangmei

Xianju Yangmei-1

Basic Introduction to Xianju Yangmei

Xianju Yangmei is produced in Xianju County, Zhejiang Province, known as a place where immortals reside and a national scenic spot.

The county has implemented the “Yangmei Terracing Development” project throughout, utilizing altitude differences to prolong the harvest period of Yangmei. Early-maturing varieties such as the Water Chestnut Yangmei are grown on low mountains and hills, maturing and entering the market by mid-June. Late-maturing varieties like Dongkui Yangmei are developed in mid-to-high mountains, ripening and entering the market in mid-to-late July, thus extending the harvest period to over two months. Through joint development with research institutes like Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Zhejiang University, preservation technology has been improved without using any preservatives, extending the by over ten days. Xianju Yangmei has established its brand, with the industry recognizing that “World's best Yangmei are in China, China's best Yangmei are in Zhejiang, and Zhejiang's best Yangmei are in Xianju.” Due to Xianju's unique microclimate, Xianju Yangmei can mature as early as early June, hitting the market 7-10 days earlier than Cixi and Yuyao, and staying on the market for 10-15 days longer. Commercial fruits generally hit the market around June 10th and exit the market around July 20th.

Xianju Yangmei has medical and benefits including heat relief, thirst quenching, cough stopping, spleen strengthening, stimulating, and digestive aid. In Xianju, there is a saying: “Eat three hundred Yangmei daily, and I would not mind being forever a resident of Xianju.” “Had Taizhen known of this taste, would lychees have ever reached Chang'an?” Xianju Yangmei is rich in , sugar, fruit acid, calcium, iron, glucose, fructose, citric acid, , and various vitamins. According to tests conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture's Fruit and Seedling Quality Monitoring Center, it contains 10.9-14.6% soluble solids, 0.97% titratable acids, and 15.23mg/100g of vitamin content. It also has functions such as dampness removal, heat relief, and diarrhea cessation.

Product Characteristics

Xianju Yangmei is characterized by beautiful color, sweet taste, large size, and small seed. Some are even larger than ping pong balls, and they have an early maturation period, usually becoming ripe and entering the market by early June. Xianju Yangmei is strictly managed according to green standards and is characterized by early maturation, beautiful color, sweet taste, small seed, and high yield. The fruit is visually appealing, large, juicy, and has a unique flavor. On average, each fruit weighs 21 grams, with the largest reaching 54 grams. Dongkui Yangmei is as large as ping pong balls, averaging 21 grams per fruit, with the largest reaching 54 grams.

History and Folk Customs

Xianju Yangmei is one of the famous specialties of Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, and one of the most famous Yangmei in China. Xianju has a history of over 1,000 years cultivating Yangmei, with trees over 300 years old still growing in the area. Early-maturing varieties such as the Water Chestnut Yangmei are grown on low mountains and hills, maturing and entering the market by mid-June.

Xianju has a subtropical monsoon climate, with ample sunlight and high organic matter content in the soil, making it moderately acidic. Its unique soil environment and special mountain basin topography provide ideal conditions for the growth of Yangmei.

Awards and Honors for Xianju Yangmei

In 1994, Mr. Yan Jici, former Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and renowned , tasted Xianju Yangmei and praised it highly, writing the words “Xian Mei” in delight.

In 1999, “Xianju Yangmei” won the title of Brand Product at the China International Agricultural Products Fair.

In 2001, “Xianlu” brand Xianju Yangmei was awarded the title of Brand Product at the China Agricultural Products Fair and won the Gold Medal at the Zhejiang International Agricultural Products Fair.

In 2002, it passed Green Food (A) level certification and was authorized to use the green food logo. In 2003, it was named one of Zhejiang Province's Top Ten Premium Yangmei.

In July 2003, it received the certificate of registration for the place of origin protection mark.

In June 2003, the construction of Xianju's 100,000 mu Yangmei green food base was listed as a national-level Torch Project by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Xianju Yangmei enjoys a reputation abroad and is exported to Europe, America, and Southeast Asia, serving as a traditional export product and a fine gift for friends and relatives.

Xianju Yangmei was honored with the title of “Taizhou's Most Influential Brand Agricultural Product.”

Xianju Yangmei has been awarded the Geographical Indication Mark.

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