Heyin Pomegranate

Heyin Pomegranate-1

Basic Introduction to Heyin Pomegranate

The cultivation of Heyin Pomegranate originated in the . When was on a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, he brought back high-quality pomegranate seeds from Anxi (present-day ) and planted them in the Yellow River basin. The pomegranates grown in Heyin County (today's Guangwu and Beimang Townships) are also known as Heyin Pomegranates or An Pomegranates. Heyin Pomegranates are characterized by their ancient hue and full seeds. They are sweet and have no residue, making them famous nationwide and popular everywhere. They are one of the renowned local specialties of Zhengyang. The main areas for pomegranate cultivation are in villages such as Liugou and Guanyu in Beimang Town, and Changou and Zhaiziyu in Guangwu Town. In Xizhaoyu Village, the annual pomegranate production is between 50,000 and 100,000 kilograms.

Nutritional Value

Pomegranates also have health benefits. The fruit is warm and astringent, useful for relieving dryness and thirst in the throat. Eating the seeds along with the pulp not only provides rich nutrition but can also aid digestion, particularly suitable for children. The roots can be used to expel tapeworms, while the peel can stop diarrhea. Washing the eyes with the leaves can treat eye diseases, and they can also be made into health-promoting pomegranate tea. There is another type called Bitter Pomegranate that can be used as medicine to treat diarrhea and premature ejaculation.

Product Characteristics

There are many varieties of pomegranates. Classified by size, there are four types: Hu12, Hu34, Kuihu, and Jinghu. By color of the peel, there are three types: Copper Peel, Iron Peel, and Flower Peel. By taste of the seeds, there are types. By petal, there are Red and White, Single Layer and Double Layer. Heyin Pomegranates are famous for their unique characteristics. They have large seeds, bright red color, and a sweet taste. Even when they fall to the ground, they remain clean. The seeds have soft kernels with little residue, and eating them produces a sweet juice that refreshes the , making them an excellent for banquets.

History and Folklore

The Heyin Pomegranate is an ancient tree species. It originally came from Central . Cultivation in Heyin County began during the Han Dynasty and became widespread in the Tang Dynasty, introduced by Zhang Qian, a Marquis of Bohwang in the Western Han Dynasty. According to the “Comprehensive Gazetteer of ,” “An Pomegranate Valley is located twenty miles northwest of Heyin County. When Zhang Qian went on a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, he brought back pomegranate seeds from Tulin and planted them here.” In 1692, the “Heyin County Gazetteer” stated, “Pomegranate Valley is twenty miles northwest of the county. When Zhang Qian went on a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions, he obtained pomegranate seeds from Tulin and planted them here. Heyin Pomegranates are sweet and red and are large due to their unique variety. Some trees have trunks over a foot wide, which are said to date back to the time of Zhang Qian. Old records state that when Zhang Qian entered Dou Niu Palace, a fairy gave him flowers to plant here.” Records from 1917 state, “When Zhang Qian traveled westward and met the Queen Mother, she gifted him some flowers, which he planted here, hence the name Immortal Pomegranate.” The history of Heyin Pomegranates dates back more than 2,100 years. Particularly noteworthy are the pomegranates from Zhaoyu, where Emperor Liu Bang issued an edict to make Han Xin the King of Qi. During the prosperous Tang Dynasty, Heyin Pomegranates were designated as tribute to the imperial court, becoming a symbol of good fortune and a seasonal delicacy.

Methods for Making Heyin Pomegranate Products

Roselle Pomegranate Juice


Roselle Flowers 3, Pomegranates 2, Iced Water as needed


1) Remove the seeds from the roselle flowers and wash them thoroughly. Set aside.

2) Cut the pomegranates open and remove the arils. Set aside.

3) Place ingredients 1) and 2) in a juicer, extract the juice, and then add the appropriate amount of iced water.

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