Lai Fang Peanuts

Lai Fang Peanuts-1

Basic Introduction to Lai Fang Peanuts

Lai Fang Peanuts are produced in Dafeng Mountain, Lai Fang Township, Qingliu County. Due to the high , long hours of sunshine, and being located in a convergence zone for southern and northern air currents, as as unique soil conditions, they are rich in minerals such as zinc and selenium, and Vitamin E. They also utilize traditional techniques combined with modern technology in processing, which gives them a natural aroma and a fresh, sweet taste that is unparalleled by similar products.

Nutritional Value

1. Peanuts contain approximately 50% lipids, 25% protein, 25% Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin E, among other vitamins.

2. The lipids in peanuts are mostly unsaturated fatty acids, with monounsaturated fatty acids making up about half of the total.

3. Peanuts contain a variety of proteins, and their amino composition is very diverse. Of the eight essential amino acids, all but lysine are in abundant quantities in peanuts.

Product Characteristics

“Lai Fang Red seeds are numerous; typically, one peanut contains 3-5 seeds. Each seed is evenly sized, full, and has a good taste, being fragrant, sweet, and crisp.”

Historical and Folklore Background

“Lai Fang Red Skin Peanuts” is a rare and distinctive peanut variety traditionally cultivated in Lai Fang, Qingliu County, with a planting history spanning nearly a century. The variety has slender pods, thin shells, and full seeds, with the seeds having a deep red skin, and most commonly containing 3-4 seeds. “Lai Fang Red Skin Peanuts” have a fresh, sweet, and crispy taste and a natural aroma that is unmatched by similar products, making them popular among consumers both within and outside the province. The cultivation and sales of “Lai Fang Red Skin Peanuts” have become an important industry for agricultural efficiency and increased income for farmers in Qingliu.

Preparation Method for Lai Fang Peanuts

Peanut Soup


300 grams of peanut kernels, 2 slices of old , 5000 cc of water, 120 grams of white sugar


1. Rinse the peanut kernels and set aside.

2. Pour the water into a pot and bring it to a boil. Add the prepared ingredients from step 1 and the slices of old ginger. Cook over medium-high until the water comes to a boil again. Cover the pot and simmer over low heat for about 1 hour or until the peanuts are soft and tender.

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