Dajin Jujube of Bin County

Dajin Jujube of Bin County-1

Basic Introduction to Dajin of Bin County

The main production area of Dajin Jujube in Bin County is located on both banks of the Jing and its tributaries, Shuilian River and Gaoqu River, within Bin County, Shaanxi Province, at an altitude of 800 to 1,000 meters. The air is fresh, the environment is beautiful, and there is no industrial pollution. It has a warm temperate semi-arid continental monsoon climate with an annual temperature of 11°C, an annual temperature range of 27.7°C, and a daily temperature range of 11.7°C; the annual average sunshine duration is 2,199.3 to 2,298.8 hours, with total of 115.181 to 117.546 kcal/hour, indicating abundant energy resources. The frost-free period lasts from 176 to 180 days. The annual average rainfall is 580 millimeters, and the soil is mostly alluvial loess and yellow-covered black loess, characterized by deep layers, loose texture, good permeability, thick humus layer, high fertility, and especially suitable for the growth of Dajin Jujube.

Dajin Jujube of Bin County is a local specialty fruit product of Bin County, Xianyang City, with a cultivation history of over 3,000 years in Bin County. There is a poem in “Bin Feng” that says, “In August, the jujubes are stripped.” A Ming Dynasty poem reads: “After a hundred years of gathering and growth, the July traditions of Bin should not be forgotten. How delighted I am that the pear and jujube trees in my old home still exist, for when ripe, they be presented to the officials.” Currently, Dajin Jujube trees over 300 years old have extremely high medicinal value and have been tributes to emperors throughout history.

Geographical Distribution

Dajin Jujube of Bin County is mainly distributed along the Jing River and its major tributaries in the valleys and terraces of Bin County, including 32 villages in five townships: Chengguan, Yimen, Tandian, Xinbaozi, and Xiaozhang. It extends from Zaofantou Village in Tandian Township to Miyajiahe Village in Yimen Town in the west, from Lijiachuan Village in Chengguan Town in the south to Xibao Village in Xiaozhang Town in the north. The geographical coordinates are 107°08′18.6″E-108°08′18.6″E and 35°00′36.5″N-35°11′32.8″N. The total production area is 15,000 mu, with an annual output of 1,000 tons.

Product Characteristics

1. Sensory Features: The Dajin Jujube of Binzhou has a beautiful shape, nearly cylindrical, large and evenly sized, with a reddish-brown color and a glossy appearance. It has a thin , small , fine and crisp flesh, and a sweet and delicious taste.

2. Unique Quality Indicators: Dajin Jujube of Binzhou is rich in nutrients, with an average soluble solids content of 23.2%, sugar content of 10.37%, acid content of 0.25%, and vitamin C content of 283 mg per 100 grams.

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