Dechang Mulberry

Dechang Mulberry-1

Basic Introduction to Dechang Mulberry

Dechang Mulberry is a specialty of Dechang County, Sichuan . Dechang has a subtropical highland monsoon climate with an annual average temperature of 17.7 degrees Celsius, average annual precipitation of 1049 millimeters, frost-free period of over 300 days, and annual sunshine duration of 2147 hours. Due to its abundant light and heat resources and superior climatic conditions, the mulberries produced here have high sugar content and excellent taste. Therefore, on February 11, 2015, the original General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection, and Quarantine approved the geographical indication product protection for “Dechang Mulberry.” The protected area includes 13 townships currently under the of Dechang County, Sichuan Province: Yonglang Town, Jinchuan Township, Laonian Township, Le Yue Town, Xiaogao Township, Malizhen Town, A Yue Township, Dezhou Town, Liusu Township, Tuida Township, Kuan Yu Township, Badong Township, and Wangsuo Township.

The Dechang mulberries are characterized by early ripening, high quality, and high yield; they start hitting the market in mid-to-late March. They grow naturally, with full-bodied fruits that are large, tight, and have a lustrous purple-black color. Their taste is sweet and slightly sour. The per-acre yield can reach 2-3 tons. Each year, fruit mulberry plants undergo winter and summer pruning. Per acre, the leaves from the fruit mulberry can support the rearing of 2-3 trays of silkworms. By harvesting both fruit and leaves, dual yields are achieved, effectively utilizing the comprehensive benefits of the fruit mulberry, with an average acreage output reaching more than ten thousand yuan.

Nutritional Value

According to “Compendium of Materia Medica,” eating mulberries “moistens the skin, darkens , and consolidates vital energy.” Modern medical research indicates that Dechang mulberries possess six -prevention and health-care functions, including cancer prevention and anti-mutation, enhanced immunity, kidney and protection, anti-aging and beautifying effects, promotion of hematopoietic cell growth, and blood sugar and lipid reduction. The fatty acids in Dechang mulberries help break down fat and lower lipids, preventing hardening of the arteries. The melanin in Dechang mulberries can darken and brighten hair. The rutin, anthocyanins, glucose, fructose, malic acid, calcium, inorganic salts, carotene, various vitamins, and niacin contained in Dechang mulberries have immunomodulatory effects, which can improve immune function, exhibit antioxidant properties, delay aging, and moisturize the skin. Mulberries mainly nourish the liver and kidneys, replenishing yin and blood, generating body fluids, and relieving dryness. They are suitable for symptoms caused by insufficiency of yin and blood in the liver and kidneys and dryness and thirst. Dechang mulberries are rich in natural antioxidants such as vitamin C, β-carotene, selenium, flavonoids, and other beneficial components, which can alleviate symptoms of eye fatigue and dryness.

Dechang mulberries contain abundant active proteins, vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, minerals, resveratrol, anthocyanins, and other components. They are highly nutritious, containing five to six times the nutrition of apples and four times that of grapes. According to measurements, the nutritional composition per 100 grams of Dechang mulberries includes: 48 kcal energy, 2.0 g protein, 0.4 g fat, 12.9 g carbohydrates, 3.3 g dietary fiber, 3 mcg vitamin A, 20 mcg carotene, 0.05 mg riboflavin, 12.78 mg vitamin E, 30 mg calcium, 33 mg phosphorus, 33 mg potassium, 1.9 mg sodium, 0.3 mg iron, 0.27 mg zinc, 6.5 mcg selenium, 0.08 mg copper, and 0.29 mg manganese. They also contain a variety of essential amino acids and easily absorbable nutrients like fructose and glucose.

Product Characteristics

The Dechang mulberries have a long growth period, no pests or diseases, require no pesticides, hit the market early (mid-March), are and natural, rich in nutrition, and of excellent quality.

1. Sensory Features:

(1) Fresh Fruit: Full-bodied fruits, large and tightly packed grains; glossy purple-black color, sweet and juicy.

(2) Dried Fruit: Purple-black color, uniform grains, concentrated sweetness, firm texture, chewy.

(3) Taste: Sweet, soft, fragrant, mouthful of honey-like , sweet and juicy, pleasantly sweet and sour, deliciously rich.

2. Physical and Chemical Indicators:

(1) Fresh Fruit: Soluble solids ≥14.0%, total acidity (as citric acid) 0.1% to 0.3%.

(2) Dried Fruit: Moisture content ≤13%, soluble solids ≥50%, total acidity (as citric acid) 0.8% to 1.5%.

Historical Folklore

Since the Ming Dynasty, there have been records of mulberry cultivation in Dechang County. It is said that when horse traders passed through Dechang, their water supplies ran out, and it was hot. Thirsty and unwilling to drink the mountain spring water, they saw large areas of mulberry trees with inviting red mulberries. After the horsemen tasted them and found them pleasantly sweet and thirst-quenching, their fatigue dissipated. Thinking they still had a long way to go before leaving the mountains, they took some fresh mulberries along to quench their thirst and ease their fatigue, successfully making it out of the mountains. Since then, every year during mulberry season, the horse traders would pick mulberries while passing through Dechang, and the Dechang mulberries became well-known. Records show that when the First Corps Division of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army entered Dechang in 1935, to gain the trust of the local ethnic minorities, they actively responded to central ethnic policies and did not take anything from the people. During the twelve days the Red Army spent in Dechang, they used mulberries to quench their thirst and relieve fatigue, and the mulberries also helped with diarrhea and allergies. Thus, the Dechang mulberries were jokingly called the “fruit of life” by Red Army soldiers.

In the 1980s, Dechang County focused on the development of fruit and leaf mulberries, and the significant economic benefits motivated farmers to cultivate fruit and leaf mulberries. These were widely developed in 13 major mulberry-producing townships in the county, ranking first in scale in Sichuan Province.

In 2008, Dechang County introduced a modern agricultural enterprise specializing in concentrated mulberry juice and juice drinks production. Its main product, Dechang mulberry juice, was mainly exported to Europe, America, and Asia.

Since 2009, Dechang County has held the “Dechang Mulberry Festival” and other characteristic agricultural festivals annually, promoting rural tourism, significantly increasing farmers' income.

In 2013, the yield of fresh Dechang mulberries reached over 6,000 tons, and farmers' income from selling mulberries exceeded 30 million yuan.

In 2014, Dechang had nearly 20,000 mu of fruit and leaf mulberry gardens, producing 10,443 tons of mulberries, with farmers' income from selling mulberries reaching 62.66 million yuan and a comprehensive output value of 120 million yuan.

In 2015, Dechang County had 28,000 mu of fruit mulberry area, producing 15,000 tons of fresh mulberries, with a comprehensive output value of 120 million yuan.

In 2017, Dechang County had 60,000 mu of mulberry gardens, including 30,000 mu of fruit and leaf mulberry gardens, producing 35,000 tons of mulberries, with farmers' income reaching 190 million yuan.

Awards and Honors Received by Dechang Mulberry

In 1988, Dechang Mulberry received the title of High-Quality Agricultural Product in Liangshan Prefecture.

In 1992

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