Torrey Kaempferi from Yushan

Torrey Kaempferi from Yushan-1

Basic Introduction to Torrey Kaempferi from Yushan

Torrey Kaempferi, also known as “Yushan fruit,” is noted by Li Shizhen in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” as having the best quality in Yushan County, Xinzhou, hence it's referred to as Yushan fruit. In recent years, Torrey Kaempferi has gained a reputation both domestically and internationally, winning awards such as the “China-Japan High-Quality Agricultural Products Defense Award” and the “ Medal at the National Famous, Special, and Excellent New Products Expo.”

Nutritional Value

The kernels of Torrey Kaempferi contain four types of lipophilic alkaloids that have a significant inhibitory effect on lymphocytic leukemia and are beneficial for and preventing highly malignant lymphosarcoma. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Torrey Kaempferi can eliminate intestinal parasites, moisturize the lungs and intestines, and relieve coughing. It is suitable for various cases of constipation, hernia, hemorrhoids, indigestion, food accumulation, and coughing with phlegm. Torrey Kaempferi can be used to treat various intestinal parasitic diseases, such as roundworm, pinworm, and hookworm infections in children, demonstrating comparable anthelmintic properties to those of other traditional Chinese medicines. The high content of fatty acids and E in Torrey Kaempferi helps moisturize the skin and delay aging. Eating Torrey Kaempferi benefits eye health due to its rich content of Vitamin A and other components beneficial to the eyes, which can help prevent and alleviate symptoms like dry eyes, excessive tearing, and night blindness.

Product Characteristics

The fruit is enclosed in a hard seed coat, similar in size to a , with an olive-shaped kernel that is pointed at both ends and elliptical in shape. When mature, the shell turns -brown or purple-brown, while the seed inside is yellow-white, rich in oil and a unique fragrance, which can stimulate the .

Historical Folklore

Torrey Kaempferi trees mainly grow in provinces south of the Yangtze River, including Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangsu, Guizhou, , and . Among them, the most famous are the Fengqiao Torrey Kaempferi from Zhejiang, the Taiping Torrey Kaempferi from Anhui, and the Yushan Torrey Kaempferi (fruit) from Jiangxi.

Torrey Kaempferi is considered a delicacy among dried fruits and has traditionally been served as a top-quality fruit at banquets. As early as the Song Dynasty, people processed it into seasoned Torrey Kaempferi, sugared Torrey Kaempferi balls, and Torrey Kaempferi pastries, which were listed as tributes to the imperial court.

Authenticity Identification of Yushan Torrey Kaempferi

Torrey Kaempferi – Selection Secrets:

1. Select by Size: Larger fruits have a longer growth cycle and contain more nutrients.

2. Select by Fullness: Fully developed fruits are naturally ripened, with tender texture and better flavor.

3. Select by Uniformity: The color and size of the fruits should be natural and uniform.

4. Select by Shell: A thin and crisp shell makes peeling easy.

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