Great Liangshan Mountain Walnuts

Great Liangshan Mountain Walnuts-1

Basic Introduction to Great Liangshan Mountain Walnuts

These wild walnuts from Liangshan have shells that are not bleached, appearing black in color. The meat is whiter than walnuts and incomparable to those from and Shanxi. There are virtually no bad kernels, though the shells are not smooth and generally require a nutcracker to open them.

Nutritional Components

The walnut kernels are delicious and contain 7.23% protein and an oil content of 48%–53%, with some reaching up to 69%. Walnut kernels contain a significant amount of protein and essential unsaturated fatty acids for human nutrition.

Dietary Value

The kernels of mountain walnuts are crisp and flavorful with a delightful aroma. They can be used to make oil or roasted, and also serve as an ingredient in sweets and pastries. The kernels contain 7.8-9.6% protein, including more than seven essential amino acids at a concentration exceeding 25%, along with 22 trace elements necessary for human health. Among these, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and iron are particularly abundant. According to available data, one kilogram of walnut kernels is equivalent to nine kilograms of fresh milk, five kilograms of eggs, or two kilograms of beef in terms of nutritional value.

Product Characteristics

1. Large and thin-shelled, with a good appearance. Each walnut is uniformly sized, with thin shells that do not expose the kernel, and they are water-resistant when washed. The surface of the fruit is clean. Individual nuts weigh over 15g, with a transverse diameter exceeding 33mm, and there are no damaged fruits.

2. The walnuts have a rich, oily flavor and a yellowish-white color like jade, with plump kernels.

History and Folklore

According to legend, during the late Yuan Dynasty, Liu Bowen traveled from Tianmu Mountain to Yinzhang's thousand-acre field where he met Zhu Yuanzhang. The two men discussed history and current affairs and found common ground. Liu Bowen noticed Zhu Yuanzhang's impressive stature, extraordinary appearance, and ambitious spirit, so he advised him to recruit troops in the thousand-acre field to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang responded, “Easier said than done. Where would we get the military provisions from?” This posed a challenge for Liu Bowen.

One day, while idly wandering, Liu Bowen entered the kitchen and saw a chef boiling in boiling water. He asked why this was being done, and the chef explained that boiling the celery briefly removes its slight bitterness before cooking it. Inspired by this, Liu Bowen wondered if the bitter taste of the abundant wild walnuts could be removed by boiling them. After trying it out, he discovered that it indeed worked, and after roasting them in a fire basket, the walnuts became a delicious, fragrant, and crispy treat. News of this spread quickly, and large quantities of walnuts were transported to Suzhou and Hangzhou for sale. As a result, the people had ample and provisions. Liu Bowen informed Zhu Yuanzhang about this, who seized the opportunity to recruit soldiers and raise funds, his troops and launching attacks from multiple directions. With sufficient troops and provisions, Zhu Yuanzhang's campaigns were highly successful, and he soon overthrew the Yuan Dynasty, establishing the Ming Dynasty. Later, the mountain became known as Mountain, and the walnuts came to be called “Daming Fruits.” The platform where Zhu Yuanzhang once reviewed his troops still stands on the mountain.

Methods for Preparing Great Liangshan Mountain Walnuts

Honey Glazed Walnut Kernels


A handful of walnut kernels, a small amount of honey, a small amount of , a small amount of sesame oil or edible oil


1. Heat the walnut kernels in the microwave for about 1 minute to make the finished honey glazed walnuts even crispier.

2. Mix three tablespoons of sugar and a small amount of honey until it forms a paste-like consistency.

3. Place the previously processed walnut kernels into the sugar-honey mixture, stir to ensure each kernel is coated evenly, then place them in the microwave.

4. Heat on medium power to prevent burning, taking them out to stir every minute for a total of about 3 minutes.

5. Allow them to cool before serving.

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