Chaoyang Jujubes

Chaoyang Jujubes-1

Basic Introduction to Chaoyang Jujubes

The jujube varieties in Chaoyang County mainly include the Dapingding, Xiaopingding, Ling, Samsung, and Dalingdang types of local high-quality varieties, primarily distributed in 24 towns within the Da and Xiao Ling basins. Especially since the implementation of the Tenth Five- Plan, our county has consistently prioritized the jujube industry as a key focus of rural work.

Nutritional Value

Chaoyang jujubes have a sweet and are moist in nature. They function to supplement the and stomach, invigorate qi and generate body fluids, nourish the heart and lungs, nourish the blood and calm the spirit, brighten the complexion, penetrate the nine orifices, assist the twelve meridians, harmonize with all herbs, and long-term consumption can lighten the body and prolong life. There is a saying that “eating jujubes daily means fewer visits to the doctor.” However, fresh jujubes are cool in nature, and “eating them raw may harm the spleen and cause diarrhea,” so they should not be consumed in large quantities at one time. Chaoyang jujubes contain a large amount of cyclic adenosine monophosphate, which plays an important physiological regulatory role in human cells, enhancing myocardial contractility, dilating coronary vessels, inhibiting platelet aggregation, and having anti-allergic effects; the vitamin P content can increase cellular adhesion, enhance capillary resilience, reduce capillary permeability and fragility, have lipid-lowering and anti-allergic effects, strengthen the heart, promote diuresis, prevent cerebral hemorrhage, and delay aging; the vitamin C content has detoxifying, , and anti-allergic effects, strengthens the body's resistance and maintains skin elasticity, delaying aging; the vitamin E content has and anti-aging effects. Therefore, the saying “three jujubes a day keeps at bay” is reasonable.

Product Characteristics

The jujube varieties mainly include the Dapingding, Xiaopingding, Ling, Samsung, and Dalingdang types of local high-quality varieties, primarily distributed in 24 towns within the Da and Xiao Ling River basins. The jujubes produced here have a bright color, resembling carnelian, with thick flesh that is crisp, and a well-balanced sour-sweet taste.

Preparation Methods

1. Method for easier absorption: Place Chaoyang jujubes on a steamer and steam for about 20 minutes before removing. This not only sterilizes them but also makes the absorption of the jujube skin better by the . Otherwise, the jujube skin can easily stick to the intestinal walls;

2. When cooking rice, just before it's done, clean and break open some Chaoyang jujubes and place them on top of the rice to steam together, offering an excellent flavor;

3. Those who have ovens can make charred jujubes. First, remove the seeds from the middle, then roast them in the oven until charred. The taste is quite good;

4. Common method: Add a few to hot pot or soup;

5. During the Dragon Boat Festival when making zongzi, place Chaoyang jujubes at the tip of the zongzi, not only preventing the rice from spilling out but also adding a special flavor.

Awards and Honors for Chaoyang Jujubes

In April 1999, due to the abundant production of Dapingding jujubes, the county was awarded the title of “China's Dapingding Jujube Hometown” by the Ministry of Agriculture. In April 2001, it was designated as one of the country's 62 “Demonstration Counties for Economic Forest Construction” by the State Forestry Administration. In January 2002, Dapingding jujubes won a quality award at the “National Famous and Quality Products Fair for Forest and By-products” held by the State Forestry Administration in Beijing.

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