Nanshan Lychee

Nanshan Lychee-1

Basic Introduction to Nanshan Lychee

Lychee originated in China. Some say that “lychee” is a ; however, “lychee” is not a loanword and has been used in ancient China. The earliest monograph on lychee is “The Lychee Treatise” (1509) by Cai Xiang of the Dynasty. Nanshan Lychee is a famous variety of lychee in Province. Nanshan Lychee is one of the fruits of Lingnan and one of the “Three Treasures of Nanshan.” It is also the only lychee in the world that enjoys geographical indication protection.

Nutritional Value

The pulp of the lychee fruit contains up to 20% sugar; in every hundred milliliters of , vitamin C content can reach as high as 70 milligrams. Additionally, it contains proteins, fats, phosphorus, calcium, iron, etc. Lychee, along with bananas, pineapples, and longans, are known as the “Four Great Fruits of the South.” The abundant sugars in Nanshan Lychee help replenish energy and enhance nutrition. Research has shown that lychee nourishes brain tissue and can significantly improve insomnia, forgetfulness, and fatigue. The high levels of vitamin C and protein in the lychee flesh help strengthen the and increase disease resistance. Lychee has , detoxifying, hemostatic, and analgesic effects. The rich vitamins in lychee promote microvascular circulation, prevent freckles, and make the skin smoother. The fruit pulp is beneficial for spleen and liver, helps regulate blood, warms the middle energizer, alleviates pain, calms the heart, and soothes the mind. The seeds have the effect of regulating Qi, dissipating nodules, and relieving pain. They are an excellent food therapy option for persistent hiccups and early morning , and they are also good for the brain and body, stimulating appetite and benefiting the spleen. Because Nanshan Lychee contains salt, which can reduce internal heat, it is said that you can eat as much as you want without getting too much internal heat.

Product Characteristics

The appearance of lychee before and after peeling and the look of the fruit inside (Litchi chinensis) is a tropical fruit produced in southern China. The fruit grows in clusters like grapes on trees. Generally, the fruit is about one inch in diameter, with a thin red hard shell outside and tender, translucent flesh inside, surrounding a dark brown seed at the center.

Tasting and Eating Methods

Those with yin deficiency and fire exuberance should caution. According to “Food Therapy Herbal,” eating too much can cause fever. As stated in “The Maritime Herbal,” consuming too much can result in febrile rashes. As noted in “Compendium of Materia Medica,” eating too many fresh lychees can lead to swollen gums and mouth pain or even nosebleeds. Those with dental problems and those with a fire constitution should especially avoid them.

Diabetics should use lychee with caution.

Drivers should consume lychee with caution. Eating large amounts of lychee while skipping meals can easily trigger sudden hypoglycemia.

Fresh lychee contains a high amount of sugar, and eating it on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach lining, causing stomach pain and distension. Overeating fresh lychee on an empty stomach can cause a “hyperosmolar coma” due to the sudden influx of excessive high sugar into the body.

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