Graybu Jumbo Dates

Graybu Jumbo Dates-1

Basic Introduction to Graybu Jumbo Dates

Graybu Jumbo Dates are a specialty of Graybu Village, Zoucheng City, Jining , Shandong Province.

The production area of Graybu Jumbo Dates is divided equally between mountains, hills, and plains. The main resource is shallow groundwater, which is relatively abundant. The region has a warm-temperate continental monsoon climate with distinct seasons, significant annual temperature differences, and ample sunlight, making it suitable for the growth of jumbo dates.

Graybu Jumbo Dates come in two varieties: Long Dates and Round Red Dates. They are known for their large size, thick flesh, high sugar content, rich oiliness, long sticky threads, vibrant color, and rich nutrition. They are considered one of Zoucheng's specialties and an ideal ingredient for various food products. Whether consumed fresh or processed into other foods, they satisfy both taste and nutritional requirements.

Product Characteristics

1. Sensory Characteristics:

The date trees are tall with a spreading, slightly drooping posture, forming a natural semi-circular crown. The leaves are ovate to broad lanceolate; there is a moderate number of flowers, and the fruits are nearly round or flat-topped, uniform in size, averaging 16 to 18 grams per fruit. The skin of the Graybu Jumbo Date is medium-thick, purplish-brown, tough, and does not split. The fruit stalk is fine and short, slightly below the fruit shoulder. The flesh is dense, relatively coarse, contains little juice, has a sweet, concentrated flavor, and is rich in nutrients.

2. Physicochemical Indicators:

Graybu Jumbo Dates are rich in essential vitamins and minerals for human health. Fresh dates contain more than 2.5 times the amount of Vitamin C found in Chinese kiwifruit, which is known as the “Vitamin C King,” earning them the nickname “Multivitamin Pills.” Dried dates meet the following standards: moisture ≤ 28%, protein ≥ 3.3%, total sugars ≥ 40%, fat ≤ 1.2%, calcium ≥ 12%, iron ≥ 5.3%. These qualities are all first-class, and the dates are highly resistant to storage and transport.

Historical and Folklore

Graybu Jumbo Dates have been cultivated for over 700 years in Zouxian (now Zoucheng). During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the village of Graybu and its surrounding areas began planting date trees, gradually forming a scale that earned the region the title of “Date Town.” Over many years, Graybu Jumbo Dates have been grown by -old trees in villages like Graybu and Shizao, as as newer, expansive date groves covering thousands of acres around these villages. Most of these groves have entered their peak fruit-bearing period. Additionally, the ten-thousand-acre date forest benefits from the prestigious brand of Graybu Tribute Dates, attracting an increasing number of tourists and becoming a popular destination for green sightseeing and tourism. This has boosted the development of local ecological tourism, generating considerable economic benefits and becoming a characteristic pillar industry for the local population to increase their income and achieve prosperity.

In 2010, Zoucheng City promoted agricultural development through a business model of “company + base + farmer,” relying on specialty products such as Graybu Jumbo Dates.

In 2013, the date-producing areas of Zoucheng City leveraged the brand effect of Graybu Jumbo Dates to plan picking tours, promoting economic development.

In 1987, the total production of Graybu Jumbo Dates reached 40 tons, generating economic benefits exceeding ten million .

In 2013, the total production area of Graybu Jumbo Dates was 1,600 hectares, with a total output of 400 tons.

Awards and Honors

On December 30, 2013, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the 's Republic of China officially approved the registration and protection of the for “Graybu Jumbo Dates” as an agricultural product.

On October 7, 2012, Graybu Jumbo Dates successfully registered as a Chinese Geographical Indication trademark.

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