Dunhuang Li Guang Apricot

Dunhuang Li Guang Apricot-1

Basic Introduction to Dunhuang Li Guang Apricot

Dunhuang Li Guang apricot, a specialty of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, is a Chinese national geographic indication product. The Li Guang apricot has a bright yellow color like , a smooth surface without fuzz, dense and golden , sweet taste with abundant juice, sweet kernel, rich fragrance, an edible rate of over 90%, and is of extremely high quality. Its sweetness and juiciness have made it renowned as a rare delicacy among fruits. It has a thin skin, thick flesh up to 8 millimeters, delicious aroma, honey-like juice that clings to the lips, round , shallow suture line that is not obvious, an average single fruit weight of 38.4 grams, maximum weight of 45 grams, and is relatively durable for storage and transportation. It can be eaten fresh or processed into dried apricots or apricot preserves.

The geographical features of Dunhuang City are high in the north and south, low in the middle, and sloping from southwest to northeast, with an average elevation of 1,139 meters. To the east is Sanwei Mountain, to the south is Mingsha Mountain, to the west is the desert connected to the Taklamakan Desert, and to the north is the Gobi Desert, which borders the residual mountains of the Tian Shan. Dunhuang City has a typical warm temperate arid climate, with dry air, little rainfall, high evaporation, large temperature differences , and long sunshine hours. The four seasons are distinct: spring is warm and windy, is scorching hot, autumn is cool, and winter is cold. The annual sunshine duration is 3,246.7 hours, the annual average precipitation is 42.2 millimeters, the evaporation is 2,505 millimeters, and the annual average temperature is 9.9°C, with the highest temperature reaching 41.7°C and the lowest -30.5°C. The average frost-free period is 152 days.

Geographical Scope

The production area of Dunhuang Li Guang apricot covers the current administrative regions of 7 towns within the administrative boundaries of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province.

Nutritional Value

The Li Guang apricot is as large as a plum, with a pale yellow outer skin, bright and shiny, thin skin and thick flesh, fewer fibers, abundant and delicious juice, and a strong aroma. The Li Guang apricot contains acids, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, , vitamins, and other substances, making it nutritionally rich.

Product Characteristics

The Li Guang apricot has a bright yellow color like gold, a smooth surface without fuzz, dense and golden flesh, sweet taste with abundant juice, sweet kernel, rich fragrance, an edible rate of over 90%, and is of extremely high quality. Its sweetness and juiciness have made it renowned as a rare delicacy among fruits. It has a thin skin, thick flesh up to 8 millimeters, delicious aroma, honey-like juice that clings to the lips, round fruit shape, shallow suture line that is not obvious, an average single fruit weight of 38.4 grams, maximum weight of 45 grams, and is relatively durable for storage and transportation. It can be eaten fresh or processed into dried apricots or apricot preserves. In addition to being eaten fresh, the fruit flesh can also be made into canned goods, dried apricots, apricot preserves, apricot jam, apricot wine, etc. Apricot kernels are also important ingredients for making pastries, cold foods, and candies. The Li Guang apricot has a sweet kernel, and its fresh fruit has a shallow suture line, with a fruit shape index of over 95%. It contains acids, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, and other substances, making it nutritionally rich, with content above 18%.

History and Folklore

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of Li Guang apricots. It is said that during the Western Han Dynasty, General Li Guang led his troops on a western expedition. On a sweltering summer day, the soldiers were parched with thirst. Suddenly, a wonderful fragrance filled the air, and two colorful ribbons descended from the clouds. General Li Guang spurred his horse in pursuit and shot an arrow, causing one of the ribbons to fall to the ground, transforming into an apricot grove laden with fruit. Everyone rushed to eat the fruit, only to find it as bitter as Chinese licorice. In anger, Li Guang cut down the apricot grove. However, the next morning, he found the grove lush and thriving once again, with fresh and appetizing yellow apricots. Li Guang couldn't resist picking one and taking a bite, which instantly filled him with a delightful aroma. His soldiers followed suit, and they all felt reinvigorated after eating the apricots.

Originally, those two ribbons were Sweet Apricot Fairy and Bitter Apricot Fairy, who had been sent by the Queen Mother of the West to rescue General Li Guang. They were so engrossed in their playfulness that they angered Li Guang, who shot down the Bitter Apricot Fairy. That night, the Sweet Apricot Fairy found her companion and used her magic to graft sweet apricot branches onto the bitter apricot tree stumps. Eventually, they bore sweet and fragrant yellow apricots. The sweet apricots that once saved General Li Guang's army were brought to Dunhuang along with his troops, hence the locals call them Li Guang apricots.

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