Noli Fruit Dried in Xishuangbanna

Noli Fruit Dried in Xishuangbanna-1

Basic Introduction to Noli Dried in Xishuangbanna

Noli fruit dried refers to a type of dried fruit made by sun-drying fresh noli fruit. Nowadays, many people buy some noli fruit dried and use it to make infused water, which has quite good -preserving effects.

Xishuangbanna and are both tropical regions that grow high-quality fruits, including noli fruit. Noli fruit has high nutritional and medicinal values, with a sweet and juicy and .

Noli fruit itself is a very nutritious fruit, so there are now many health products on the market made from noli fruit, among which noli fruit dried is very popular. Noli fruit dried can be used to make infused water, which is very beneficial to our body. Some of its nutrients can also be infused into the water, and the taste is excellent. Drinking noli fruit dried water can promote blood circulation in the body, regulate endocrine imbalances, and nourish the liver and kidneys. If you drink noli fruit dried water for a long time, it can have excellent beautifying and -improving effects, supplying the nutrition needed by the skin and improving skin aging issues. It can make our skin look more ruddy and lustrous, as well as firmer, finer, and more elastic.

Nutritional Value

First, it effectively clears heat and detoxifies. If you have excessive internal heat, tend to get angry easily, and often have red eyes, or if your eyes are glued together when you wake up in the , you can drink some noli fruit dried infused water to help eliminate toxins.

Second, it promotes blood circulation and breaks up nodules. Especially for women, if you suffer from breast nodules and dysmenorrhea, drinking some noli fruit dried infused water can help.

Third, it can stimulate . If you have a poor appetite recently, drinking some noli fruit dried water half an hour before meals can improve this condition.

Fourth, it can help alleviate nosebleeds and dry cough without phlegm.

Product Characteristics

The noli fruit in Xishuangbanna has a relatively fresh and sweet taste, large fruit size, soft but not loose flesh, and rich flavor.

Tasting Methods

There are many ways to consume noli fruit dried. We can directly infuse the dried noli fruit in water or tea. The specific method is to add one to two pieces of dried noli fruit to hot boiled water and let it steep for about 20 minutes. In addition to infusing it in water, we can also use dried noli fruit to make soup, such as adding it to pork rib soup along with lily flowers, which can have excellent nourishing effects on the body.

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