Tea Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive, Just Suitable!

Behind every good of tea, there is a meticulous attention to detail in every step of the process, from growing the tea plants, harvesting the leaves, to brewing the tea. Expensive tea isn't necessarily good or suitable for you.

Many tea enthusiasts share this feeling: once you fall in love with tea and start drinking it regularly, it becomes hard to give up. Sometimes it's hard to put into words exactly why, but you just like the feeling. When you come across a great cup of tea, it has a rich and full-bodied with a subtle aged fragrance. It may taste slightly bitter at first, but then a gentle lingers on the palate, leaving an aftertaste that's both refreshing and intriguing.

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Tea comes in many different forms; each mountain range, each type of tree, produces its own unique flavor. Even within the same village, differences in picking methods, the timing and heat used in stir-frying and -drying can result in markedly different flavors. Even when the tea comes from the same mountain, different tea makers will produce vastly different results.

Fame doesn't guarantee quality; good tea must be crafted by skilled tea masters. Everyone's taste buds are different, and so are their preferences. A tea that some adore might not be to others' liking.

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In simple terms, some tea enthusiasts prefer a bitter-sweet profile, while others enjoy a pure sweetness and aroma. Some like a smoky flavor, whereas others dislike any bitterness. Every cup of tea has its own fan base. What one person dislikes, another might adore. There is no single best tea in the world, only the tea that suits you best.

At its core, tea is a beverage, a natural drink without additives, and what matters most is finding one that suits your palate. The same tea can taste very different depending on who brews it, how long they steep it, and the quality of the water used.

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Even the mood of the person brewing the tea can affect its taste. Tea brewed by someone in a bad mood can taste different than when brewed by someone in a good mood. This is the magic of tea—it's like a kaleidoscope where different angles reveal different sights.

The same of tea can evoke different reactions from different people. Finding a tea that suits you well doesn't require a high price tag, just the right tea affinity. Good tea doesn't have to be expensive, and expensive tea might not suit you. Life is not a fairy tale; experience is what shapes us. Savor what pleases your palate.

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Tip: Tea Drinking Taboos

Avoid tea after drinking alcohol

Drinking tea after alcohol can exacerbate harm to the kidneys. Alcohol stimulates blood circulation and accelerates heart muscle , while tea increases blood , putting additional strain on the heart.

Avoid taking medicine with tea

Some substances in tea can react chemically with certain medications, affecting their efficacy.

Tea Doesn't Have to Be Expensive, Just Suitable!-5

Avoid tea when feverish

The caffeine and other substances in tea can stimulate the body, accelerating blood circulation and worsening the condition. The tannins present can also have astringent effects, hindering normal body heat dissipation, making it difficult for the body to cool down. Therefore, if you have a fever, you should avoid tea altogether, as it could exacerbate your symptoms.

Groups who should avoid drinking tea

Pregnant women, nursing mothers, those with stomach issues, anemia, malnutrition, or nervous disorders should avoid drinking tea.

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