It’s Time to Change: Ten Bad Habits When Drinking Tea

Bad Habit One: Not Knowing What Tea It Is, Just Grabbing a
Just when someone mentions brewing tea, you grab a cup without caring what kind of tea it is. After all, it's free, so drinking it means you're making a profit. Do you think that's the end of the story? If so, you really are too naive. Two hours later, they come to you with accusations, saying that what you brewed was raw Pu-erh and that you're responsible for their stomach ulcer. You're left speechless… Before drinking tea, make sure it's suitable for you; don't randomly!

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Bad Habit Two: Pretending to Know About Dark Tea and Rolling Your Eyes When Told You Don't
Before buying tea, you didn't even bother to learn some basic information about it. You say you want something sophisticated, so I recommend “Fu Brick Tea.” You claim money is no object, how could I suggest you buy this moldy tea? I tell you that you're mistaken – the mold is actually golden flowers, medically known as Euypodium Cristatum. You then say, “Okay, give me half a kilo,” to which I respond, “You're wrong again. A brick of tea weighs two kilograms. How am I supposed to cut out exactly one kilogram?”

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Bad Habit Three: Using Indiscriminately, Resulting in Ruined Tea
It's said that dark tea should be brewed with purple clay or ceramic pots, but you insist on using a glass cup. First steep, second steep, third and fourth steeps, why is there still no flavor? You offend high-quality Pre-Qingming Lion Peak tea by brewing its tender buds in a purple clay pot. Turn away for a moment, and Longjing tea becomes mush in your hands.

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Bad Habit Four: Good Tea Isn't Afraid of Boiling , So Use 100°C Water to Brew Tea
Can't you put a little more effort into brewing tea? You say 100°C for dark tea, and I assume you know what you're doing. I'm just about to praise you when you toss a handful of green tea into the pot. I ask if you've cooled the water down, since 85°C is more appropriate. You pat your chest and say it doesn't matter because the infusion will be faster this way. tea faints in the pot, its ideal temperature of 90°C discarded without a thought.

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Bad Habit Five: Not Washing Used Teacups, Wasting Without Being a Rich Second Generation
Drinking tea is a happy thing, and teacups need to be cherished. But you insist on being reckless, refusing to wash your cups. Over time, this becomes a problem, and your teacups become tragic. You use wool haphazardly, scratching up good cups. Are you a rich second generation? Ah, remember, toothpaste is a great product, perfect for cleaning cups.

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Bad Habit Six: Drinking Without Brewing, Always Playing the Boss
For the person brewing tea, sharing tea is a joy. However, you can't always arrogantly enjoy the tea without ever participating in brewing. You finish your cup and leave, leaving the brewer to clean up alone. Isn't that a bit unfair? Occasionally help with boiling water or washing cups, or try brewing yourself – the world would be a better place.

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Bad Habit Seven: Being Annoyingly Chatty
When visiting someone's home, they serve you a special single-bush tea. You call it vegetable leaves. The infusion has a delicate aroma, but you claim it's Tie Guan Yin and not a proper tea, unsuitable for guests. If you dislike it so much, why do you keep drinking cup after cup?

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Bad Habit Eight: Asking for Prices Loudly, Embarrassing the Host
You have tea to drink, yet you insist on asking about the price, repeatedly. How is the host supposed to answer? If it's 200 RMB per kilogram, you complain it's cheap. If it's 7,000 RMB per , you call them foolish. Drinking tea is a cultural experience. Why does the price matter? Silence while drinking tea is the mark of a true gentleman!

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Bad Habit Nine: Nothing Else, Just Wasting Tea
You shout, “Tea time!” and sprint over. The person brewing tea sees your enthusiasm and feels gratified. They ignore their own cup and fill yours first. Five hours later, you haven't taken a single sip. You complain that the tea takes up space in your cup and pour it out. Wasting tea is shameful, and so is discarding the brewer's goodwill.

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Bad Habit Ten: Drinking Large Mouthfuls of Tea, Why Not Choose Cold Tap Water Instead?
Drinking tea requires patience, savoring each sip. Yet, some rush, drinking 500 ml in one go once the tea cools. What happened to smelling the aroma? What happened to tasting the tea and observing its color and leaf base? If you want to chug, why not just drink cold tap water?

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