What Kinds of Tea Can Help Regulate Poor Digestion?

What tea is good for the stomach when you have a poor digestive system? Nowadays, there are many cases of irregular eating habits, such as binge eating and inconsistent meal times, which lead to various types of gastric diseases for many people. Numerous teas have the effect of strengthening and nurturing the stomach. So, what kinds of tea are good for the stomach when your isn't great? Let's take a look at the following suggestions.

1. Tea

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Black tea is made through fermentation and roasting. The presence of oxidase causes the tea polyphenols to undergo enzymatic oxidation, reducing their content and decreasing the stimulating effect on the stomach. Black tea not only does not harm the stomach but can also nurture it. Regular consumption of black tea with sugar and milk can help reduce inflammation, protect the gastric mucosa, and even be effective in treating ulcers.

2. Barley Tea

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Barley sprouts are cool in nature, sweet, and salty in taste, and they target the spleen and stomach meridians. They have the effects of tonifying qi, broadening the middle, quenching , and removing heat, and also have the function of reducing lactation. Barley is effective for nourishing debility, strengthening pulse, benefiting skin, filling the five organs, aiding digestion, stopping diarrhea, widening the intestines, relieving water retention, treating dyspepsia, and alleviating abdominal fullness and distension. Patients who symptoms like chest tightness and abdominal distension due to overeating can simply consume roasted and ground barley to effectively alleviate discomfort.

3. Buckwheat Tea

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Buckwheat has the effect of “strengthening the stomach and intestines, invigorating qi, and sustaining the spirit.” Buckwheat contains large amounts of rutin, fiber, selenium, and vitamins, which are not only suitable for preventing high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes but can also prevent obesity, digest fat, and maintain cardiovascular health. To prepare this tea, use one gram of buckwheat and five grams of Astragalus, place them in 600 ml of hot water, cover the cup, and steep for 10 minutes before straining and drinking the . This formula can improve physical weakness, sweats, abdominal distension, reduced , and promote the functioning of the spleen and stomach, increasing appetite.

4. Cassia Tea

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Cassia flowers have excellent medicinal value. In ancient times, it was said that cassia is the leader among all medicines, so wine brewed from cassia flowers could enable one to live a thousand years. Cassia flowers are warm in nature, pungent in taste, and enter the lung and large intestine meridians. When decocted into a decoction, used to make tea or soaked in alcohol for internal consumption, they have the effects of warming the center, dispersing cold, warming the stomach, relieving pain, transforming phlegm, and dispersing blood stasis. They can be used to treat loss of appetite, phlegm and cough, hemorrhoids, dysentery, amenorrhea, and abdominal pain.

5. Jasmine Tea

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The primary medicinal efficacy of jasmine is to regulate qi and relieve depression. Besides regulating qi and lifting depression, another main effect of jasmine is to transform dampness and harmonize the middle, where the middle refers to the spleen and stomach. Due to its warm nature, jasmine is a commonly used food and drink for tonifying the stomach. Consuming more jasmine tea is an excellent way to regulate the body.

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