Liangshan Buckwheat Tea

Liangshan Buckwheat Tea-1

Basic Introduction to Liangshan Buckwheat Tea

Liangshan Buckwheat Tea is a specialty product of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan . On January 23, 2013, the original General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of China approved geographical indication protection for “Liangshan Buckwheat Tea.” Buckwheat is divided into common buckwheat and black buckwheat (also known as “black pearl” buckwheat). Common buckwheat has a yellowish-white hull, while black buckwheat has a deep black hull. It is a type of roasted grain tea. Buckwheat thrives in cool conditions and can grow in poor soils, typically found in high- mountainous areas, where its seeds are used for food. The active ingredients in black buckwheat are three to five times those in common buckwheat. Black buckwheat tea can be further divided into whole-grain black buckwheat, bran black buckwheat, germ black buckwheat, and whole-plant black buckwheat varieties. Buckwheat has a slightly bitter taste and a neutral-cold nature. It is known for its ability to replenish energy, invigorate the spirit, improve eyesight and hearing, and has effects such as lowering qi, broadening the intestines, and strengthening the stomach. Modern clinical medicine has observed that buckwheat flour and its products have effects on lowering blood sugar and lipids, enhancing the immune system, and can assist in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary disease, and stroke.

The land in Liangshan is vast, with abundant light and heat resources and plentiful rainfall. The Anning Valley Plain is the second-largest plain in Sichuan Province (960 square kilometers), with an annual highest accumulated temperature of 6,979°C and the lowest at 4,086°C. The average annual temperature ranges from 14°C to 17°C. In Xichang, the highest extreme temperature is 39.7°C and the lowest -3.8°C. The annual precipitation is 1,000 to 1,100 millimeters, and the frost-free period lasts 230 to 306 days. This area has a subtropical monsoon climate and is suitable for growing crops such as tobacco leaves, silk cocoons, potatoes, buckwheat, and flowers, making it an ideal place for buckwheat cultivation.

Buckwheat products in Liangshan include buckwheat tea, buckwheat flour, instant buckwheat foods, rutin-flavored vegetables, raw buckwheat powder, and buckwheat daily-use items, forming six major series. These products have established a Liangshan buckwheat industry of considerable scale, which is one of the most distinctive and advantageous industries in the agricultural industrialization development of Liangshan. By 2018, there were 28 enterprises producing Liangshan Buckwheat Tea, with a total output of 50,000 to 60,000 tons and an annual output value of 600 to 700 million yuan, providing about 200 million yuan in agricultural income annually to impoverished farmers in the high-altitude regions of Liangshan.

Geographical Scope

The origin range of Liangshan Buckwheat Tea covers the current administrative region of Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province.

Nutritional Value

1. Bioflavonoids: Their primary function is to soften blood vessels, improve microcirculation, clear heat and detoxify, promote blood circulation, and help heal wounds. They also lower blood sugar, urine sugar, and lipids, boost energy, and enhance the peripheral action of insulin. Rutin is almost non-existent in other grains!

2. : Buckwheat starch is a branched starch containing a large amount of gel-like mucus. When heated, it becomes weakly alkaline and inhibits excess stomach acid. It can provide relief and act as a protective barrier for affected areas.

3. Vitamins: Buckwheat contains rich vitamins, which are important auxiliary drugs for treating hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. They are particularly effective for elderly patients, helping to reduce the fragility and permeability of microvessels and restoring their elasticity. They are effective in preventing cerebral hemorrhage, maintaining circulation, protecting and improving vision. Vitamin E contains a higher content of γ-tocopherol, which is effective in preventing oxidation and treating infertility, and promotes cell regeneration and prevents aging.

4. Fiber: Also known as dietary fiber. Its content reaches 1.6%, which is eight times more than that in ordinary rice and flour. It has good effects in regulating the digestive system, promoting bowel movements, and removing toxins from the body, acting as a cleanser for the digestive system.

5. Fats: Buckwheat contains extremely high levels of and linoleic acid, with linoleic acid being one of the most important fatty acids that cannot be synthesized within the human body! It promotes growth and development in children and prevents coronary heart disease in adults. Additionally, due to the presence of substances that inhibit the formation of melanin in the skin (2,4-dihydroxy cinnamic acid), it can prevent freckles and age spots, making it an excellent choice for beauty and skincare. Women of the Yi ethnic group living in high mountains are known for their red lips, white teeth, and smooth skin.

6. Proteins: It contains 19 types of natural amino acids, with a total content of 11.82%. It notably includes lysine, which is lacking in grains like wheat and rice, and is rich in arginine and histidine. Nearly one-third of the proteins in buckwheat are cleaning proteins, which can help remove toxins and foreign substances from the body. Moreover, due to its high arginine content, buckwheat protein can prevent the increase of body fat.

Product Characteristics

Liangshan Prefecture is an important base for the production of pollution-free, natural buckwheat in China. The area under buckwheat cultivation is approximately 938 square kilometers, with an annual yield of about 140,000 tons, accounting for roughly half of China's buckwheat production. Liangshan Buckwheat Tea comes in two forms: granulated tea and whole-grain (germ) buckwheat tea. The granulated tea has a yellow-, yellow-green, or dark brown color, while the whole-grain (germ) buckwheat tea is shaped like round grains or broken grains. After steeping with boiling water, the tea produces a clear, pale yellow or yellow-green infusion. It has a unique aroma characteristic of buckwheat and no unpleasant odors or visible impurities. Its distinguishing physical and chemical characteristics include a total flavonoid content (dry basis, calculated as rutin) of over 1.0% in whole-grain (germ) buckwheat tea and up to 2.0% in granulated tea.

Historical Folklore

Liangshan Prefecture is the earliest recorded place where humans cultivated and consumed buckwheat. It is also the core origin center and the largest production, processing, and market center for buckwheat globally. Among the regions in China where buckwheat is grown, Liangshan buckwheat stands out for having the richest resources, widest variety, broadest cultivation, highest yields, and best quality.

In 1997, Liangshan Prefecture began research and development to produce Liangshan Buckwheat Tea.

Starting in 2007, Liangshan Prefecture began drafting local standards for buckwheat tea.

In 2011, Liangshan Prefecture selected ten model pilot enterprises for buckwheat tea, urging them to improve quality management in all aspects.

In 2012, facing a mix of over 30 buckwheat tea production and processing enterprises of varying sizes and standards within the prefecture, the Liangshan Quality Supervision Bureau formulated “Production License Review Details for Liangshan Buckwheat Tea Products” and “Local Standards for Liangshan Buckwheat Tea,” standardizing the entire buckwheat tea industry to ensure its healthy development. A field meeting was held in October of the same year to promote quality supervision and improvement in the buckwheat tea industry, guiding it towards healthier development.

Awards and Honors Received by Liangshan Buckwheat Tea

“Yijia Xiaozhai Brand Black Buckwheat Tea,” “Xibu Cunzhai Brand Buckw

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