Mengshan Tea

Mengshan Tea-1

Basic Introduction to Mengshan Tea

Mengshan Shihua is among the top ten famous teas in China, a supreme quality flat green tea, and a representative of flat-shaped teas, being the earliest flat tea that emerged in China. The premium Mengshan Shihua is made from full buds picked before the Ming Festival, with each pound of dry tea requiring 40,000 to 50,000 buds. The production method of Mengshan Shihua follows the “three stir-fry and three air-dry” technique used during the Tang and Song dynasties. Its is naturally beautiful, resembling moss growing on ancient stones in the forest, hence its name “Shihua” (stone flower). This tea is produced in Mengshan, thus named Mengshan Shihua.

Nutritional Value

Modern scientific analysis has identified over 400 organic chemical components and more than 40 inorganic mineral elements in tea. Many of these organic chemical components and inorganic mineral elements have nutritional and medicinal properties. Key organic chemical components include: polyphenols, plant alkaloids, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, pectin, organic acids, polysaccharides, sugars, enzymes, pigments, etc.

Product Characteristics

Shape: Flat, evenly straight, tender and glossy green;

: Tender green color, clear and bright;

Aroma: Rich and fragrant, fresh and delicate;

Taste: Fresh and delicate, rich and sweet aftertaste;

Leaf base: Fine and tender, uniform buds and leaves.

History and Folklore

The name Mengshan Shihua originated in the Tang Dynasty. According to historical records: In the first of Tianbao (742 AD), Mengshan Que She tea was designated as tribute tea. At that time, all loose teas made from one bud and one leaf in the southwestern regions of China were collectively named “Que She” based on their shape, and Mengshan Que She was officially named “Shihua” for tribute purposes.

In “National History Supplement” by Li Zhao of the Tang Dynasty, it is recorded that “In Jianan, there is Mengshan Shihua, or Xiao Fang, or San Ya (Gu Ya), which is considered the best.” Shihua belongs to the category of “tribute tea.”

The “Food and Records” of the Song Dynasty states: “During the Tang Dynasty, many types of tea were appreciated, with the most valued being the stone flower, sprout, and gu sprout from Yazhou… Teas are produced in many parts of the world, but if you mention Jianan, there is Mengshan Shihua…” Although tea production during the Tang Dynasty primarily focused on compressed cakes, Mengshan tea had stir-frying techniques. Mengshan Shihua received praise from poets such as , Prince Linyang, and Duan Chengshi. Prince Linyang once remarked, “If Lu Yu were to give an impartial opinion, this would be the best tea in the world,” while Song Dynasty poet Wen Tong wrote, “The tea of Shu is considered holy, and the taste of Mengshan is especially precious.” These statements truly reflect the exalted status of traditional Mengshan tea.

In “Records of the Eastern Study” from the Northern Song Dynasty, it is written: “There are eight major tea-producing areas in Shu, including Mengshan in Yazhou, Weijiang in Shuzhou, Huojing in Qiongzhou, Zhongfeng in Jiazhou, Pengpin in Pengzhou, Yangcun in Hanzhou, and Luocun in Mianzhou, yet Mengshan is considered the best of them all.”

In the Ming Dynasty, Chen Renxi's “Qianque Lexicon” records: “Spring tea from Mengshan Shihua is often limited to just a few pounds, highly valued even more so than during the Tang Dynasty,” proving that at this time, Shihua was rare and extremely precious.

Serving Suggestions for Mengshan Tea

Temperature: Due to the tenderness of Mengshan Shihua, too high a water temperature can cook the tea. It is recommended to use water between 75-80°C.

Amount of Tea: A tea-to-water ratio of 1:50 is suggested, though this can be adjusted according to .

Water for Brewing: It is recommended to use purified water, rather than tap water or mineral water with high calcium or magnesium content.

Method of Adding Tea: An upper pouring method is recommended.

Brewing Time: It is suggested to pour out two-thirds of the tea liquor each time, resulting in better taste with each infusion.

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