Shuicheng Spring Tea

Shuicheng Spring Tea-1

Basic Introduction to Shuicheng Spring Tea

“Shuicheng Spring” tea is rich in organic selenium and over a dozen trace elements essential to the . The tea boasts excellent quality, unique flavor, and a long-lasting aroma. Its liquor is bright yellow-green, its taste rich, mellow, fresh, and refreshing, with a tender, even green leaf base. Regular consumption of this tea can effectively prevent diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. It also slows down aging, enhances vision, eliminates damage, and the toxicity of various heavy metal ions. This is a natural, pollution-free green food of superior quality.

Nutritional Value

Tea is nutritionally rich and contains nearly 400 different components. The main ones are caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, choline, xanthines, flavonoids and glycosides, tea tannins, catechins, terpenes, phenols, alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, aromatic oil compounds, carbohydrates, multiple vitamins, proteins, and amino acids. Tea also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, iodine, , molybdenum, zinc, selenium, copper, germanium, magnesium, and other minerals. Most of these components are beneficial to the human body. The primary functions of tea include relieving diarrhea, promoting saliva production, invigorating the spirit, clearing the mind, aiding digestion, reducing greasiness, promoting bowel movements, diuresis, removing phlegm, relieving coughs, improving vision, cooling heat, relieving summer heat, stopping dysentery, and having anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects. Due to the significant role tea plays in preventing and diseases, it is included among the “seven essentials for daily life” (firewood, rice, oil, salt, , vinegar, tea) in , and there is also a saying that one cannot go a day without tea.

Product Features

Shuicheng is one of China's three major selenium-rich regions (Enshi, Ziyang), with soils rich in organic selenium, which results in tea products that are also rich in organic selenium. According to authoritative testing, the organic selenium content in Shuicheng-produced teas falls within the range most beneficial to human health. Shuicheng selenium-rich teas, due to their early harvest, excellent quality, and high organic selenium content, can help invigorate the spirit, fight oxidation, and slow down aging when consumed regularly. The Shuicheng Spring brand of tea has won numerous awards and enjoys a prestigious .

Distinguishing Genuine from Fake

One: Observe the Shape

The leaves of spring tea are generally tightly wrapped, appearing plump, thick, and solid. Some have more downy hairs, a fresh and lustrous color, and a strong, fresh aroma. Summer and autumn teas, on the other hand, have loose leaves, a dull color, and a mild aroma, which is very different from spring tea.

Two: Check the Liquor Color

During storage, some substances that make up the color of the tea will be slowly decomposed or oxidized, making the green color of green tea appear dull and lackluster. The increase in tea brown pigments in old tea makes the green tea liquor turn yellowish-brown and lose its original fresh color. When brewing, the leaves of spring tea sink quickly, the aroma is intense and lasts longer, and the taste is rich and mellow. The leaves of summer and autumn teas sink more slowly, and the aroma is not as strong.

Three: Taste the Aroma

During storage, various taste-forming substances in tea decompose or become insoluble in water. As a result, new tea tastes full-bodied and fresh, while old tea tastes light and unsatisfying.

Four: Examine the Leaf Base

After steeping, the leaf base of new tea is greenish-yellow, looking fresh and tender, whereas the leaf base of old tea tends to be more yellow and lacks freshness.

Five: Discussing “Dyed Tea”

Experts state that dyed tea often appears overly bright in color. When , consumers can moisten their fingers with cold water and then pinch the tea leaves. If the fingers leave an obvious green mark quickly, there is likely a problem. When brewing this kind of tea, if the tea liquor turns bright green and, after some time, shows a clear layering effect, the tea is likely “dyed tea.”

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