Makeng Tea

Makeng Tea-1

Basic Introduction to Makeng Tea

Makeng wild tea grows in the pollution-free tea base in Chizhou, Anhui. The contemporary tea sage wrote: “The divine aura of Yao and Shun condenses into dew; beautiful and spirit mountains create silver peaks.” The tea mountains spread across the entire foothills of Mount , with clouds swirling around the mountains and mist shrouding them. The weather in the mountains changes through all four seasons within a single day. Everywhere you look, there are deep valleys with lush leaves, streams crisscrossing, clouds and fog swirling, and a pervasive fragrance. The soil in Makeng is slightly alkaline and contains rich selenium elements. Wild tea trees are scattered among the tea bushes, absorbing the essence of vegetation dewdrops and basking in ample sunlight, forming the unique aroma of the tea. Its aroma is elegant, resembling the scent of orchids or fruit, with a sweet and mellow taste that lingers on the teeth and gums.

Nutritional Value

The tea contains abundant potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and 11 other minerals. The tea soup has more cations than anions and is considered an alkaline food. It can help maintain the body's alkalinity and keep one healthy.

① Potassium: Promotes the elimination of sodium in the blood. High blood sodium levels are one of the causes of high blood pressure, and drinking more tea can prevent hypertension.

② Fluoride: Has the effect of preventing tooth decay.

③ Manganese: Has antioxidant and anti-aging effects, enhances immune function, and aids in the utilization of calcium. As it is insoluble in hot water, it can be ground into tea for consumption.

Product Characteristics

The tea has large twisted leaves, prominent buds covered in downy hairs, a greenish-yellow color, a clear infusion, a high fragrance, and a mellow flavor, making it a pure natural green tea beverage.

Awards and Honors

“Makeng Wild Tea” won the Gold Award at the second national agricultural products tea competition, while “Junshan Silver Needle” came in second place at the national tea competition.

How to Enjoy Makeng Tea

In general, some patients and pregnant women should not drink tea. Even for ordinary people, there should be some selection when drinking tea. Because there are differences in gender, age, , body type, and constitution (hot, cold, deficient, or robust) among people, some individuals may not be suitable for drinking tea. Therefore, drinking tea should also be adapted to the .

Moreover, new tea is not necessarily better the fresher it is, and improper consumption can harm the stomach and intestines. Since newly picked tea is stored for a short time, it contains a higher amount of unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes, and alcohols. These substances do not have much impact on healthy individuals but can irritate the stomach and intestinal mucosa, particularly in those who already have chronic gastrointestinal . For people with poor gastrointestinal function, it is easier to induce gastric disease. Therefore, new tea should not be consumed excessively, and tea stored for less than half a month should not be drunk.

In addition, new tea also contains a higher amount of caffeine, active alkaloids, and various aromatic compounds. These substances can excite the central nervous system. Patients with neurasthenia or heart and cerebrovascular diseases should consume it in moderation and avoid drinking it before bedtime or on an empty stomach.

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