Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot

Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot is one of the specialties of Haigang , Qinhuangdao , Province.

  • Name
    Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot
  • Category
    Specialty Cuisine
  • Origin
    Hebei Province – Qinhuangdao City – Haigang District

Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot-1

Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot is one of the specialties of Haigang District, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. The bamboo garlic used in it is a precious medicinal with including strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach, replenishing and relieving pain, and anti-cancer properties, as well as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The taste of Bamboo Garlic Goose Hotpot is tender and refreshing, flavorful, richly aromatic, rich without being greasy, and without being bland. It is very popular among tourists.

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