Zhonghexuan Restaurant

Zhonghexuan Restaurant is the earliest Muslim restaurant in with a of a hundred years.

  • Name
    Zhonghexuan Restaurant
  • Category
    Featured Cuisine
  • Origin
    Province – Shijiazhuang City – Chang'an

Zhonghexuan Restaurant-1

Zhonghexuan Restaurant, the earliest Muslim restaurant in Shijiazhuang, has a history of a hundred years. In the 9th year of the Republic of (1920), the Man brothers came from Baoding to Shijiazhuang and built Zhonghexuan Restaurant in Shuntong Lane (today's Zhonghua ). The initial prosperous period was in the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936). On November 12, 1947, De and other central leaders once dined at Zhonghexuan. Before the National Day in 1965, it was relocated to the bustling section of Road. On September 28, 1996, Zhonghexuan Restaurant moved to the eastern end of Xinhua Road. Now, it has been relocated near the provincial museum on Zhongshan East Road. The Zhonghexuan steamed dumplings have a long history and are well-renowned in Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, and Henan provinces.

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