Bitter Herb Soup

Bitter soup is one of the traditional snacks in , Fujian, and can be found in stalls throughout the area, featuring a distinct local character with medicinal properties to prevent and treat illnesses. Authentic bitter herb soup has a bittersweet taste, a dark color, and a slightly peculiar aroma.

  • Name
    Bitter Herb Soup
  • Category
    Specialty Cuisine
  • Origin
    Fujian Province – Longyan City – Xinluo District

Bitter Herb Soup-1

Bitter herb soup is one of the distinctive snacks in Xinluo, Longyan, Fujian. Not only does it have a unique local flavor, but it also possesses medicinal properties that can prevent and treat illnesses. Bitter herb, also known as Crepidiastrum lanceolatum, has a and bitter nature. Its functions include clearing , detoxifying, purging fire, and reducing swelling. It can be used to treat and dysentery.

The bitter herb, also known as Crepidiastrum lanceolatum, has a cold and bitter nature. Its functions include clearing heat, detoxifying, purging fire, and reducing swelling. It can be used to treat constipation and dysentery. During summer and autumn when the climate is dry, locals enjoy having bitter herb with large intestine in a dish called “ cool.” The soup has a dark color, a slightly peculiar aroma, but an unusual taste that stimulates the appetite.

Cooking bitter herb soup is simple. First, add an appropriate amount of and wait for it to boil. Then, the large intestine and bitter herb together. This usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours to ensure it is tender and beneficial for health.


Main Ingredients: Bitter herb, large intestine.

Secondary Ingredients: Salt


1. Wash the bitter herb and soak it in clean water for later use.

2. After boiling an appropriate amount of water, add both the bitter herb and large intestine simultaneously.

3. Cook for about 1.5 hours and then season with salt before serving.

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