Dongpo Pig’s Knuckle (Lavande Hotel Guantao)

Dongpo Pig's Knuckle is a signature dish at the Lavande Hotel.

  • Name
    Dongpo Pig's Knuckle (Lavande Hotel Guantao)
  • Category
    Signature Cuisine
  • Origin
    Hebei Province – City – Guantao

Dongpo Pig's Knuckle (Lavande Hotel Guantao)-1

Dongpo Pig's Knuckle is a signature dish at the Lavande Hotel, renowned for its excellent color, aroma, and , which is much loved by people. Slow with little water and plenty of is the secret to making this dish. The dish features thin and tender meat, bright , rich flavor and concentrated , falling apart in tenderness without breaking apart, fragrant and glutinous but not greasy. It carries a wine fragrance, bright red color, rich flavor, and concentrated sauce.

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