Synthetic Prosperous Drunken Snails

In Wuyou, the term for drunken snails is locally known as Synthetic Prosperous Wuyou Drunken Snails. The tradition of making Wuyou Drunken Snails dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a history spanning over three hundred years. These snails are pickled using mud snails, which are referred to as “soft gold” from the Yellow Sea coastal mudflats. Their distinctive features include soft, translucent shells, rich aroma, balanced saltiness and , delicate and fresh taste, making them an excellent accompaniment to alcohol. Once sealed in jars, they retain their flavor and quality without spoilage; even after a year, when the jars are opened, the aroma remains potent.

  • Name: Synthetic Prosperous Drunken Snails
  • Category: Specialty Cuisine
  • Origin: Tinghu , Yancheng , Jiangsu Province, China

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In Wuyou, the term for drunken snails is locally known as Synthetic Prosperous Wuyou Drunken Snails. The tradition of making Wuyou Drunken Snails dates back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a history spanning over three hundred years. These snails are pickled using mud snails, which are referred to as “soft gold” from the Yellow Sea coastal mudflats. Their distinctive features include soft, translucent shells, rich wine aroma, balanced saltiness and sweetness, delicate and fresh taste, making them an excellent accompaniment to alcohol. Once sealed in jars, they retain their flavor and quality without spoilage; even after a year, when the jars are opened, the aroma remains potent.

Synthetic Prosperous is a well-known local brand that was established in 1886. Pan Guishan's great-grandfather, Pan Changzhen, was the first-generation inheritor of the Synthetic Prosperous Drunken Snail production technique, while Pan Guishan learned from his grandfather, Pan Burbene. Starting as a young apprentice who fetched water daily, Pan Guishan gradually mastered all the skills required to make drunken snails.

In 1988, Synthetic Prosperous Wuyou Drunken Snails won a silver award at the first-ever China Expo, which solidified Pan Guishan's belief in the quality of his product. In 2003, he took over Synthetic Prosperous. To enhance the of the drunken snails, he diligently sought advice from experienced craftsmen, scientifically formulated the brine, and strictly followed the production process, resulting in a distinctive taste. He personally traveled across the country to promote , raising awareness of Synthetic Prosperous Wuyou Drunken Snails.

In September 2011, the Synthetic Prosperous Drunken Snail production technique was recognized as a provincial-level of Jiangsu Province. In 2020, Pan Guishan was designated as a provincial-level representative inheritor of this technique.


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