Wai’an County’s Yiwo Si Bing (Nest of Threads Pancake)

This pancake is renowned for its orange-yellow color and delicious taste, distinguished by its unique flavor both within and beyond the province.

  • Name
    Wai'an County's Yiwo Si Bing (Nest of Threads Pancake)
  • Category
    Specialty Cuisine
  • Origin
    Hebei Province – Zhangjiakou City – Wai'an County

Wai'an County's Yiwo Si Bing (Nest of Threads Pancake)-1

The Yiwo Si Bing (Nest of Threads Pancake) is one of the “Three Treasures of Wai'an,” originating from Mashikou in Doukoubao Township. This pancake is renowned for its orange-yellow color and delicious taste, distinguished by its unique flavor both within and beyond the province.

Mashikou is a place where the rooster crows across three provinces. To the south lies the Dongyang River, to the north stands the ancient Great Wall, and National 110 runs through the village. During the Ming Dynasty, it was a major route to Mongolia. Therefore, the Prefecture once established a horse market here, aiming to open channels of exchange between the Mongolian and Han Chinese peoples, with horses, furs, and daily necessities traded on both sides, bringing economic prosperity to the area. Over the years, merchants from all over gathered here to conduct business, turning this place into a hub for goods exchange. Travelers and merchants would stay and dine in Mashikou, leading to an increase in the number of inns, with over ten large and small inns still operating even during the early years after liberation.

During the Guangxu period of the Qing dynasty, villagers Guo Shengtang and a family surnamed Liu opened shops simultaneously and engaged in fierce competition, each striving to outdo the other with their unique skills. One year, Guo Shengtang invited Master Chen, an expert in making a special type of pancake, from the southern part of Wai'an County. Using high-quality flour and top-grade sesame , he meticulously prepared that could be stretched to three feet long. He would then take a strand, coil it, roll it into a pancake, and cook it in a pan with sesame oil until it resembled a coiled “dragon” about to ascend, with the strands forming a nest when placed down. has it that under Master Chen's supervision, as the pancakes came out of the pan, he would grab one end and toss the pancake onto the table for guests to try. When the guests held one end of the pancake strip, Master Chen would release his hold, and the extended noodle would instantly curl back into a nest-like shape. Since then, this pancake became known as “Yiwo Si” (Nest of Threads).

After the success of the Yiwo Si Bing, Guo's inn attracted a steady stream of customers, bringing in significant economic benefits. Guo Shengtang, being a clever individual, took it upon himself to study water temperature and timing, practice his knife skills and noodle pulling techniques. On mastering the essentials and secrets, he continued to refine and innovate. Eventually, Guo Shengtang became the well-known founder of the Yiwo Si Bing. The technique was passed down through generations, and more people learned how to make it, becoming a specialty in Mashikou. Whether it was for weddings, engagements, or visits from relatives, the first meal served would always be the Yiwo Si Bing, allowing guests to savor its unique taste. Over time, this became a local custom.

The preparation of Yiwo Si Bing requires meticulous attention to detail and craftsmanship, with particular emphasis on ingredient selection, water temperature, kneading, cutting, stretching, and the timing and temperature of cooking. Freshly made pancakes are glossy and golden, soft and tender, with excellent color, aroma, and taste, making them a premium choice for welcoming guests at or in institutions. In addition to the skilled workmanship, the quality of the water used also plays a crucial role. Surrounded by mountains on both sides and with waterways encircling it, Mashikou's spring water contains abundant minerals, which makes the dough exceptionally pliable.

The Yiwo Si Bing of Mashikou, along with smoked meat and tofu skin, is hailed as one of the Three Specialties of Wai'an County, with a long and a reputation that extends beyond the border region.

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