The Preparation of Bangbang Chicken

Bangbang chicken should be familiar to no one in Sichuan; it is a cold dish in the Sichuan cuisine that has a history of over a hundred years. Its and need no further introduction. The earliest method of preparing bangbang chicken originated in Hanshan, Yangba, Leshan. After cooking the chicken, the meat is pounded with a wooden stick to make it tender, then mixed with secret seasonings.

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Introduction to Bangbang Chicken

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Chengdu bangbang chicken is a century-old delicacy in Sichuan, known for its unique flavor, meticulous preparation, and fine selection of ingredients. It is made by combining original chicken with ancestral formulas. Bangbang chicken follows traditional procedures while incorporating modern culinary elements, giving the dish a distinctive style: it includes all the flavors of spicy, numbing, fresh, fragrant, and sweet, and is truly a feast for the senses, visually appealing and unforgettable. It breaks through the traditional limitations of snacks, adapting to a modern dining model characterized by a unique taste, innovative product combinations, and brand operation. It is a typical representative of Chengdu's cooked food.

The Preparation of Bangbang Chicken

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Ingredients Required

350 grams of chicken breast, a small amount of ginger, 1 of sesame paste, half a teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, a small amount of , 1 teaspoon of sesame powder, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salad oil, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of doubanjiang (fermented broad bean and chili paste), 4 tablespoons of lukewarm water.

Method Steps

1. Fill a pot with enough water to cover the chicken breasts, add two slices of ginger and some scallion segments, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for about 8 minutes until the chicken is fully cooked.

2. Remove the cooked chicken and cool it in cold water. Then gently pound the chicken with a wooden stick to loosen the meat, and shred it by hand into thin strips.

3. Slice the white part of the scallion finely and place it at the bottom of a serving plate. Place the shredded chicken on top.

4. Mix salt, sesame powder, rice vinegar, soy sauce, doubanjiang, MSG, sugar, light soy sauce, and 1 tablespoon of the cooled chicken broth to make the sauce.

5. Pour the sauce over the chicken and serve.


1. The preparation of bangbang chicken is simple, but you use fresh chicken.

2. Homemade chili oil will be more fragrant.

Liao's Bangbang Chicken Preparation

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Ingredients Required

One young chicken, sliced scallion whites, Sichuan pepper powder, sesame paste, red oil chili, sugar, and sesame oil, as needed.

Method Steps

1. Tie the legs and wings of the cleaned chicken with string and pierce the thicker parts of the meat with a bamboo skewer. Cook in a soup pot until done, then remove and let cool.

2. Gently pound the chicken breast and leg meat with a special small wooden stick, tear into strips and place on a plate, surrounding with sliced scallion whites.

3. Finally, mix the seasonings to make a sauce, pour it over the chicken, and serve.

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