Complete Guide to Braised Chicken Wings – Home-Style Recipe

Braised chicken wings are a very popular dish. They are less labor-intensive and lower in calories compared to braised , yet they boast flavor. Today, the cooking editor will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to make braised chicken wings.

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Complete Guide to Braised Chicken Wings: Method 1

Ingredients for Braised Chicken Wings:

Tender chicken wings (10), lobster crackers (15 g), salt (1 tablespoon), a bundle of scallions and ginger (30 g), Sichuan peppercorns (1 teaspoon), fennel seeds (3), cassia bark (2 small pieces), (1 tablespoon), refined oil (300 g).


1. Trim the wingtips from the chicken wings and cut them into two sections. Add salt and Sichuan peppercorns, mix well, and rub to coat. Let marinate for 1 .

2. Place the marinated chicken wings in a bowl with tied scallions, ginger (lightly pounded), fennel seeds, cassia bark, and wine. Steam over high heat for about 20 minutes or until tender. Remove, discard the scallions, ginger, and spices, and drain off any liquid.

3. In a wok over high heat, heat 300 g of refined oil until it reaches 50% heat. Deep-fry the steamed chicken wings until golden brown, then remove and place in the center of a large serving dish. Fry the lobster crackers until crispy, remove, and arrange around the chicken wings.

Note: The chicken wings should not be too salty when marinated, and they must be steamed until very tender to achieve an aromatic, crispy, fatty, and tender texture with a well-balanced taste.

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Complete Guide to Braised Chicken Wings: Method 2

Ingredients for Braised Chicken Wings:

Chicken wings (400 g), (50 g), soy sauce (15 g), sugar (8 g), beer (8 g), scallions (6 g), fine salt (1 g), monosodium glutamate (1 g).


1. Clean the chicken wings and blanch in water until half-cooked. Remove and set aside; finely chop scallions.

2. Heat oil and sauté the . Add soy sauce, then the chicken wings. Stir in sugar and beer, and stir-fry until cooked. Season with fine salt and monosodium glutamate before serving.

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Complete Guide to Braised Chicken Wings: Method 3

Ingredients for Braised Chicken Wings:

Chicken wings (6), eggs (2), peas, diced shiitake mushrooms, and diced yam (small amounts each). Vegetable oil, starch, ginger, garlic, yellow bean paste, broth, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, white pepper powder, chopped scallions, cooking wine, and sugar (as needed).

Method Steps:

1. Marinate the chicken wings with salt, cooking wine, and white pepper. Beat the eggs to form an egg liquid, mix with starch to create a batter, coat the chicken wings, and deep-fry until golden. Drain and set aside.

2. Leave a little oil in the pan, sauté the yellow bean paste until red, add broth, and simmer briefly. Add peas, diced shiitake mushrooms, and diced yam, and stir-fry briefly. Add ginger, garlic, chopped scallions, soy sauce, cooking wine, and sugar. Simmer until the flavors have melded, then add monosodium glutamate.

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Complete Guide to Braised Chicken Wings: Method 4

Ingredients for Braised Chicken Wings:

Chicken wings (400 g), sliced green peppers, and chili segments (50 g each). Cooking wine, salt, white pepper powder, sugar, chicken powder, soy sauce, rice vinegar, cornstarch, salad oil, garlic slices, broad bean paste, scallion segments, ginger slices, sesame oil (as needed).


1. Marinate the chicken wings with cooking wine, a small amount of salt, and white pepper for 10 minutes.

2. Mix cooking wine, sugar, chicken powder, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and cornstarch to create a mixture.

3. Heat a wok over fire, add oil, and fry the chicken wings until cooked. Drain the oil and set aside.

4. Heat the wok again with oil, sauté the garlic slices, then add the broad bean paste. Stir-fry the scallion segments and ginger slices, then add the chicken wings, sliced green peppers, and chili segments. Pour in the seasoning mixture, stir-fry evenly, drizzle with a little sesame oil, and serve.

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