Gong Bao Chicken at Home

In the cuisine, there is a distinctive dish: Bao Chicken. In today's large and small restaurants, one surely find Gong Bao Chicken. This dish brings out the tenderness of the chicken and the crispiness of the peanuts, making the whole dish full of flavor and loved by people.

Gong Bao Chicken at Home-1

How to Make Gong Bao Chicken at Home

Gong Bao Chicken at Home-2

Ingredients Preparation

250 grams of chicken breast, 1 teaspoon of cooking , 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, a little white pepper, 1 scallion, 1 piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of , 2 bell peppers, 100 grams of peanuts.

Cooking Steps

1. Slice the scallion and shred the ginger; dice the bell peppers. Cut the chicken into pieces, add cooking wine, white pepper, and starch, mix well with your hands, and marinate for 10 minutes.

2. Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and 3 tablespoons of light soy sauce to make the sauce.

3. Skin the peanuts and fry them until slightly golden. Remove and set aside.

4. Leave some in the pan, sauté the scallion and ginger until fragrant. Add the chicken and stir-fry until it turns white. Remove and set aside.

5. Add a little more oil to the pan and stir-fry the bell pepper cubes briefly.

6. Add the previously stir-fried chicken back into the pan, pour in the sauce, and then add an appropriate amount of starch mixed with water.

7. When the sauce thickens, add the fried peanuts and stir quickly and evenly.

Cooking Tips

1. The fried peanuts should be cooled before adding them to the dish right before serving, so they stay crispy.

2. The sauce is salty enough, so there is no need to add extra salt.

Another Way to Prepare Gong Bao Chicken

Gong Bao Chicken at Home-3

Ingredients Preparation

250 grams of chicken breast, 100 grams of peanuts, 100 grams of , an appropriate amount of , 1 egg, 1 ml of light soy sauce, 3 grams of sugar, an appropriate amount of salt, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 ml of rice vinegar.

Cooking Steps

1. Dice the cucumber and set aside. Cut the chicken breast into pieces, add the egg white and salt, and mix well.

2. Heat a pan over the fire and add an appropriate amount of peanut oil. Fry the peanuts in cold oil continuously for three to five minutes, then remove and drain the oil.

3. Mix an appropriate amount of rice vinegar, sugar, and starch in a bowl and stir well.

4. Mince the garlic. Heat a pan over the fire, add an appropriate amount of peanut oil, and when the oil is moderately hot, add the minced garlic and stir-fry.

5. After stir-frying the garlic, add the chicken pieces and continue stir-frying until the chicken turns white.

6. Once the chicken turns white, add the diced cucumber and peanuts, stir-fry evenly, pour in the prepared sauce, and keep stir-frying to thicken the sauce.


1. Frying peanuts is a crucial step in making Gong Bao Chicken. If you fry them too long, they become hard; if not long enough, they won't taste good. So pay attention to the heat and timing.

2. You can adjust the amount of salt and vinegar in the sauce according to your taste preferences.

Chinese Food


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