How to Make Seaweed Threads Salad

Seaweed is one of the most common marine products that people eat, a type of with high nutritional value. There are countless ways to prepare it at home, such as pork rib stew with seaweed, seaweed and pork soup, cold seaweed threads salad, etc. Here we will look at how to make seaweed threads salad.

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Method 1 for Seaweed Threads Salad

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Ingredients Preparation

Appropriate amount of dried seaweed, appropriate amount of carrot, a little of green chili pepper, appropriate amount of cilantro, paste, Sichuan pepper , , salt, vinegar, etc.


1. Soak the dried seaweed in warm water until it's rehydrated, then wash it clean.

2. Shred the seaweed, carrot, and green chili pepper, and chop the cilantro into small pieces.

3. Boil the seaweed threads for 5 minutes, blanch the carrot and green chili pepper threads.

4. Put them all in a mixing bowl, add the chopped cilantro, garlic paste, Sichuan pepper oil, sesame oil, salt, and other seasonings, mix well, and it's ready to serve.


To rehydrate the seaweed, you can also place it in a pot and steam it for about half an hour.

Method 2 for Seaweed Threads Salad

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Ingredients Preparation

200g fresh seaweed, appropriate amount of cilantro, green onion, ginger, sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, vinegar, etc.


1. Wash the seaweed and cut it into threads. Shred the ginger and green onion and cut the cilantro into long pieces.

2. Blanch the seaweed in boiling water, then put it in a bowl.

3. Add the shredded ginger and green onion, chopped cilantro, sesame oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, and other seasonings, mix well, and it's ready to serve.

Method 3 for Seaweed Threads Salad

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Ingredients Preparation

100g fresh seaweed threads, appropriate amount of oil, salt, sugar, sesame oil, garlic, green onion, a little bit of bird's eye chili pepper, appropriate amount of chili oil, sesame seeds, etc.


1. Clean the fresh seaweed and cut it into threads, then blanch it in boiling water.

2. Chop the bird's eye chili pepper, mince the garlic, and slice the green onion.

3. Put the blanched seaweed threads in a bowl, add salt, monosodium glutamate, chili oil, and other seasonings, mix well.

4. Place the chopped chili pepper, minced garlic, and sliced green onion on , then pour a spoonful of hot oil over them.

5. Drizzle with sesame oil, mix well, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and it's ready to serve.

Nutritional Value and Taboos of Seaweed

Nutritional Value

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2. Seaweed contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids, salts, etc., which have a good effect in lowering pressure and blood lipids.

3. Seaweed has a low fat content, so it helps with weight loss, and also has the effects of delaying aging and boosting immunity.

2. Patients with hyperthyroidism should not eat seaweed, as it will aggravate their condition.

3. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should try to eat less seaweed.

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